At a combined computational cost of about \(6{\ell }\) field operations, Vélu’s formulas are used to construct and evaluate degree-\(\ell \) isogenies in the vast majority of isogeny-based cryptographic schemes. By adapting to Vélu’s formulas a baby-step giant-step approach, Bernstein, De Feo, Leroux, and Smith presented a procedure that can compute isogeny operations at a reduced cost of just \({\tilde{O}}(\sqrt{\ell })\) field operations. In this paper, we present a concrete computational analysis of these novel procedures along with several algorithmic tricks that helped us to further decrease its computational cost. We also report an optimized Python3-code implementation of several instantiations of two isogeny-based key-exchange protocols, namely, CSIDH and B-SIDH. Our software library uses a combination of the modified Vélu’s formulas and an adaptation of the optimal strategies commonly used in the SIDH/SIKE protocols to produce significant speedups. Compared to a traditional Vélu constant-time implementation of CSIDH, our experimental results report a saving of 5.357%, 13.68% and 25.938% base field operations for CSIDH-512, CSIDH-1024, and CSIDH-1792, respectively. Additionally, we present the first optimized implementation of B-SIDH ever reported in the open literature.

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Code availability
Our software library is freely available at https://github.com/JJChiDguez/sibc.
Note that \(\ell =587\) is the largest prime factor of \(\frac{p + 1}{4},\) where p is the prime used in the popular CSIDH-512 instantiation of the CSIDH isogeny-based protocol.
Recently, Banegas et al. [3, Sect. 7.2] reported an even lower count for this computation. The authors construct and evaluate a degree-587 isogeny at a cost of just 2108 multiplications, which is 3.3% cheaper than the cost reported in this work.
This speedup is achieved as a time-memory trade-off: an optimized implementation of √élu requires much more memory than traditional Vélu.
For efficiency purposes, in practice both, the x-coordinate of the points and the constant A of the curve, are projectivized to two coordinates.
Consequently, all the quadratic factors of \(E_{0,J}\) and \(E_{1,J}\) in xISOG are symmetric. Bernstein et al. [5, Appendix A.5] were aware of this fact and took advantage of it to speed up the computation of \(E_{0,J}\), \(E_{1,J}.\)
In the sequel, Îlu computational costs are derived assuming a projective coordinate system and \({{M}}~= {{S}}\).
For this computation two remainder trees are constructed, requiring the storage of \(2b\log _2{b}\) field elements. In addition, the recursivity procedure to build the trees may require storing in the heap space another \(b\log _2{b}\) field elements.
Our python-code implementation of SIDH is based on the SIDH specifications [2].
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We thank the anonymous reviewers for their comments to improve the quality of the paper and Amalia Pizarro and Odalis Ortega for pointing a missed factor in the product tree cost analysis.
This project started when J. Chi-Domínguez was a postdoctoral researcher at Tampere University, and initially received funding from the European Commission through the ERC Starting Grant 804476. It received funds from the Mexican Science council CONACyT project 313572, while F. Rodríguez-Henríquez was visiting the University of Waterloo. Additionally, this work was partially supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, under the reference MTM2017-83271-R.Availability of data and material Run-time data is not available
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1.1 Algorithms

1.2 Schönage-FFT vs Karatsuba
Karatsuba multiplication is a well-known and complete tool for multiplying polynomials of degree n over a commutative ring at the subquadratic cost of \(O(n^{\log _2 3})\). However, an asymtotically faster family of algorithms based on the fast Fourier transform (FFT) exists. In this section, we consider Schönage’s algorithm [33] blended with the FFT multiplication, as described in [4], and give an accurate estimate of the running time of this algorithm in order to make practical comparatives with Karatsuba multiplication.
Let A be a commutative ring where 2 in invertible. For \(n > 1\) a power of 2, c a square in A and \(\zeta \in A\) a square root of \(-1\), let f, g be two polynomials in \(A[x]/(x^n + c)\). To multiply f and g, one can split the problem into two smaller ones by reducing f, g to \(f_-, g_- \in A[x]/(x^{n/2} - \zeta c^{1/2})\) and to \(f_+, g_+ \in A[x]/(x^{n/2} + \zeta c^{1/2})\)g. Then, the products \(f_-g_-\), \(f_+g_+\) are computed, and subsequently embedded into \(A[x]/(x^n + c)\) wherein \((f_-g_- + f_+g_+)\) and \((f_-g_- - f_+g_+)\) are calculated to finally recover 2fg.
Note that when c is an nth root in A, which in addition contains an nth root of \(-1\), then the above procedure can be applied recursively to compute the product nfg at a cost of k multiplications in A and \(\frac{3}{2} n\log _2(n)\) easy multiplications in A by constants. This is essentially the FFT multiplication.
Suppose now that A does not contain an nth root of \(-1\), with \(n = 2^s > 8\), then Schönage’s method can be employed to multiply \(f = \sum _{0\le i< n} f_i\) and \(g = \sum _{0\le i< n} g_i\) in \(A[x]/(x^n + 1)\). First, define \(n_1 = 2^{s_1}\), with \(s_1 = \lfloor s/2\rfloor \), \(B = A[x]/(x^{n_1} + 1)\), and consider the ring \(B[y]/(y^{2n/n_1} + 1)\). The goal here is to reduce the computation of fg into one multiplication in \(B[y]/(y^{2n/n_1} + 1)\). Note that \(x^{n_1^2/2n}\) is a \((2n/n_1)\)th root of \(-1\) in B, and hence the FFT can be used to multiply polynomials in \(B[y]/(y^{2n/n_1} + 1)\). We start by sending f, g to \(F, G \in A[x,y]/(y^{2n/n_1} + 1)\), respectively, where
are such that \(\phi (F) = f\) and \(\phi (G) = g\), the map \(\phi : A[x,y]/(y^{2n/n_1} + 1) \rightarrow A[x]/(x^n + 1)\) being the A[x]-algebra morphism that sends y to \(x^{n_1}\). Thus, since F and G have \(x\text{-degree } < n_1/2\), their product is computed in \(B[y]/(y^{2n/n_1} + 1)\), and then passed through \(\phi \) to recover \((2n/n_1)fg\).
To estimate the cost of this computation, notice that transforming f, g to F, G and \((2n/n_1)FG\) to \((2n/n_1)fg\) requires no multiplications in A. Moreover, when computing \((2n/n_1)FG\) in \(B[y]/(y^{2n/n_1}+1)\) using the FFT, the multiplications by constants can be ignored since these will be just multiplications by powers of x in B. Therefore, the cost of multiplying polynomials in \(A[x]/(x^n + 1)\) boils down to the 2n/m multiplications in B arising from the FFT application. Now, since \(B = A[x]/(x^{n_1} + 1)\), the above strategy can be applied recursively until reaching multiplications in \(A[x]/(x^{8} + 1)\), where more conventional methods can be used. Hence, the total cost of multiplying two polynomials in \(A[x]/(x^{n} + 1)\) will be
where \(n_i = 2^{s_i}\), with \(s_i = \lfloor s_{i-1}/2\rfloor \) for \(i \in \{2, \ldots , k\}\), k is such that \(n_k = 8\), and \(C_8\) is the cost of multiplying two polynomials in \(A[x]/(x^{8} + 1)\). An easy analysis then shows that \(k=\lceil \log _2 (s-1) \rceil - 1 = \lceil \log _2 (\log _2(n)-1) \rceil - 1\). Thus, we have
where \(\log _2(e_n) = \lceil \log _2 (\log _2(n)-1) \rceil - \log _2 (\log _2(n)-1)\). Notice that \(1\le e_n < 2\).
Finally, to compute the product of degree-n polynomials \(f,g \in A[x]\) (\(n \ge 4\)), we define \(N = 2^{\lfloor \log _2(n) \rfloor + 2}\) and compute fg in \(A[x]/(x^{N} + 1)\) at a cost of
where \(\log _2(E_n) = \lfloor \log _2(n)\rfloor - \log _2(n) + \lceil \log _2(\lfloor \log _2(n)\rfloor + 1)\rceil - \log _2(\lfloor \log _2(n)\rfloor + 1)\). Notice that \(\frac{1}{2}< E_n < 2\).
In order to illustrate the performance of Schönage-FFT polynomial multiplication, Fig. 4 compares it with the cost of Karatsuba-style method. Anyhow, we did not focus on improving Schönage-FFT method and our experiments are centered on asymtoptic costs. Whichever the case, it looks that Karatsuba-style polynomial multiplication is the more suitable approach to be used in the new √élu formulas for both as CSIDH and B-SIDH implementations.
Comparison between the Schönage-FFT and Karatsuba style polynomial multiplications. The x-axis corresponds with the degree of both polynomials to be multiplied, while y-axis shows the expected cost required in the polynomial multiplication method. In particular, the karatsuba and Schönage-FFT costs are taken as \(n^{\log _2(3)}\) and \(\frac{27}{8} n (\lfloor \log _2(n) \rfloor + 1)\), respectively. Schönage-FFT method assumes that \(E_n = 1/2\), and karatsuba multiplication is required in its base case, which implies \(C_8 = 27\)
1.3 Cost of computing resultants via remainder trees
In this section we focused on the computational cost associated to a resultant computation via remainder trees. Resultants are required by the Îlu procedures xISOG and xEVAL.
Formally, each one of the two resultants required by 2 and 3, corresponds to the computation of \(\texttt {Res}_Z(f(Z), g(Z))\) such that \(f, g\in {\mathbb {F}}_q[Z]\), \(\deg f = b' \approx b\) and \( \deg g = 2b\). Our goal in this appendix is that of deriving the cost of the resultant computation in terms of b. For the sake of simplicity, let us assume \(\deg f = b\).
It is important to highlight that the modular polynomial reduction required at each node in the remainder tree, can be performed via reciprocal computations (for more details see [4, p. 27, Sect. 17]). For example, the modular polynomial reduction \(g \bmod f\) requires two degree-b polynomial multiplications modulo \(x^b\), one constant multiplication by a degree-b polynomial, and the reciprocal computation modulo \(x^b\) (that is, \(1/f \bmod x^b\)). In turn, the cost of a reciprocal computation modulo \(x^b\) can be estimated by the expenses associated to two degree-(b/2) polynomial multiplications modulo \(x^{b/2}\), one constant multiplication by a degree-(b/2) polynomial, and another reciprocal, but this time modulo \(x^{(b/2)}\). The above implies that a reciprocal modulo \(x^b\) should be computed recursively. Its associated running time complexity equation is given as,
where t(b) denotes the polynomial multiplication cost of two degree-b polynomials modulo \(x^b\). Now, assuming that a Karatsuba polynomial multiplication is used, it follows that
Hence, the polynomial reduction \(g \bmod f\) is expected to have a running time of \(\left( b^{\log _2(3)} + b - \frac{5}{6}\right) \) field multiplications.
Now, the remainder tree of f and g is constructed going from its root all the way to its leaves. To do this, at the i-th level of the remainder tree \(2^i\) modular reductions of the form \(g \bmod f\) such that \(\deg f \approx \frac{b}{2^i}\) and \(\deg g \approx 2 \deg f,\) must be performed. Their combined cost is given as,
Furthermore, the cost of the remainder tree construction can be done with about \(R(b) = \sum _{i=0}^{\log _2(b)} R(b,i)\) field multiplications. In particular,
Finally, once the remainder tree has been constructed, the next step is to multiply all its leaves, which has an extra cost of b field multiplications, and produces that the Resultant \(\texttt {Res}_Z(f(Z), g(Z))\) computation requires a total of
Now, the polynomial \(h_I(X)\), which splits into b linear polynomials, is computed via product trees at a cost of
multiplications, while \(E_{i,J}\) (the product of b quadratic polynomials), requires about
1.4 B-SIDH primes
For all primes here we have that \(M| (p + 1)\) and \(N| (p - 1)\).
Example 2. of [13, Sect. 5.2] (B-SIDHp253):
Example 3. of [13, Sect. 5.2] (B-SIDHp255):
Example 5. of [13, Sect. 5.3] (B-SIDHp247):
Example 6. of [13, Sect. 5.3] (B-SIDHp237):
Lucky proposal of [5, appendix A] (B-SIDHp257):
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Adj, G., Chi-Domínguez, JJ. & Rodríguez-Henríquez, F. Karatsuba-based square-root Vélu’s formulas applied to two isogeny-based protocols. J Cryptogr Eng 13, 89–106 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13389-022-00293-y
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s13389-022-00293-y