The present study brings optimization to a special class of fuzzy transportation problem called fuzzy transshipment problem. The main focus of this study is the solution of transshipment problems in a fuzzy environment. This method preserves the maximum information for the decision-maker and also avoids a redundant step of defuzzification. To deal effectively with uncertain parameters, a new generalized fuzzy Vogel approximation scheme is developed and applied to find a fuzzy initial basic feasible solution of the problem. A new fuzzy modified distribution scheme is also developed to test the optimality of this fuzzy initial basic feasible solution. A variety of cases of transshipment problems have been considered in the study as illustrations. A comparative analysis with other existing methods has been done to validate the proposed approach, and it confirms the utility of the proposed methodology.

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Srivastava, P.K., Bisht, D.C.S., Chhibber, D. et al. An ingenious approach to optimize a special class of transportation problem in uncertain environment. Int J Syst Assur Eng Manag 15, 3585–3595 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13198-022-01770-7
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s13198-022-01770-7