As the construction industry drives towards sustainability, all construction sectors, including the asphalt pavement, are suggested to explore more environmental approaches in their developments. Despite that the demand for oil is continuously increasing, the production of the worldwide oil is started to diminish due to the depletion of the resources. One of the most promising ways to address this issue is to produce bio-binders or bio-oils from biomass resources that can completely or partially replace the petroleum asphalt binders. This study investigates the effect of bio-oil extracted from local date seeds using Soxhlet method on the performance of asphalt binder used in construction of asphalt roadways. Asphalt mastic was prepared using three volume ratios of 0.0%, 1.5%, and 2.5% of date seed oil (DSO) and one asphalt binder with penetration grade of 60/70 (PG 64–16). Multiple rheological and advanced tests were conducted at different temperatures to assess the different performance parameters and compare it to the Superpave criteria and specifications. The findings of this research study show that the addition of the bio oil to the asphalt binder increases the penetration; however, both softening point and viscosity decreased with the addition of bio oil. On the other hand, the temperature susceptibility and the high-temperature performance grade (PG) of the modified asphalt binder dropped down. Rutting and fatigue performance parameters obtained through the MSCR and LAS tests, respectively, indicated that the addition of the DSO to the asphalt binder increases the nonrevocable creep compliance (Jnr) that leads to a reduction in the rutting performance. However, the traffic level was enhanced to tolerate heavier traffic than the conventional asphalt binder despite the dramatic increase in the strain. The fatigue resistance of the modified asphalt binder was improved explained by the increase in the damage intensity and the number of cycles to failure.

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The authors of this paper offer their gratitude to the Research Institute of Sciences and Engineering (RISE) and Sustainable Construction Materials and Structural Systems Research Group (SCMSS) at the University of Sharjah for their financial support. In addition, the authors would like to thank Eng. Helal Ezzat and Dr. Hanqi Liu for their help in this study.
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Alattieh, S.A., Al-Khateeb, G.G., Zeiada, W. et al. Performance assessment of bio-modified asphalt binder using extracted bio oil from date seeds waste. Int J Syst Assur Eng Manag 11, 1260–1270 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13198-020-00980-1
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s13198-020-00980-1