In the present era, when manufacturing industry is facing competitive, unpredictable, and dynamic environment, with growing complexity, and high levels of customisation, industry leaders are striving hard to invent and adopt newer technologies. The unexpected events, so called disturbances invariably affect the overall performance of manufacturing system (MS) which can be handled by incorporating flexibility dimensions with respect to design, operation, and management of MS. In this paper, various manufacturing flexibility dimensions critical to flexible MS are identified from the literature review, and brain storming with academicians and practicing managers. Interpretive structural modeling approach is applied to develop a structural framework for 10 well accepted flexibility dimensions, which are further classified into three levels namely individual/resource, shop floor, and plant. The results indicates that flexibility dimensions performed at individual/resource level is most crucial followed by flexibility dimensions performed at level of shop floor, and level of plant in order, for MS performance.

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The authors are indebted to the unknown reviewers for their critical review and the pointing suggestions that enabled us to bring out the present form of the work. We are, indeed, thankful to them.
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Kumar, S., Sharma, R.K. An ISM based framework for structural relationship among various manufacturing flexibility dimensions. Int J Syst Assur Eng Manag 6, 511–521 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13198-014-0279-5
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s13198-014-0279-5