The interference theory, which is the subject matter of this paper, has acquired an important place in reliability study of the systems. In it the system’s strength and stress working on it are taken into consideration for evaluation of its reliability. Two aspects of reliability problems are considered here viz. evaluation of system reliability from mathematical model of the system and inference of reliability. Under the former we have discussed some important interference or stress–strength (S–S) models along with the expression of reliability in each case. The models considered here are: for single component systems, when S–S are independent/correlated, when they have mixture of distributions, when more than one stress is working on a component i.e. a component may fail in different ways, when parameters of the distributions are random variables and for multi-components systems, the chain model, cold, warm and cascade redundancy with perfect and imperfect switches and when S–S are stochastic processes. In addition we have discussed some time dependent S–S models where along with S–S time is also taken into consideration and some maintenance (in particular repair) problems. For inference in interference models we have discussed parametric (classical and Bayesian), as well as non-parametric studies. The studies involving Monte-Carlo simulation for estimation of reliability and other characteristics are also presented. We have highlighted some studies of reliability growth models also.
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This work is a part of UGC Major Research Project (Sc.), and the authors are thankful to UGC (India) for providing financial assistance for the same. The authors are also thankful to referee for very constructive comments which helped in improving the paper.
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Patowary, A.N., Hazarika, J. & Sriwastav, G.L. Interference theory of reliability: a review. Int J Syst Assur Eng Manag 4, 146–158 (2013). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13198-013-0162-9
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s13198-013-0162-9