Shifting from open educational resources (OER) to open educational practices (OEP) is the next stage in the OER movement, but there have been few attempts to understand how the next phase in this movement will be achieved. Addressing this question can uncover the potential benefits of OER besides cost reduction. The current study represents the Enactment Phase (design and development) of a larger design-based research study that sought to design an integrative OER intervention in a college course to promote OEP. The Enactment Phase resulted in developing the design principles that describe the integration of OER use and creation into a college course; the development of the components of the OER intervention prototype; and designing the OER intervention prototype in a college course at a mid-Atlantic research university. The significant results that emerged from this Enactment Phase reside in that OER should be integrated into a course using learner-centered pedagogical models with constructivist approaches to teaching, and it should be integrated as an integral part of the syllabus of the course. The main idea for integrating the 5Rs into the Advanced Instructional Design was threading across assignments to make a connection between knowledge and skills students have learned throughout the course.

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Al Abri, M.H., Bannan, B. & Dabbagh, N. The design and development of an open educational resources intervention in a college course that manifests in open educational practices: a design-based research study. J Comput High Educ 34, 154–188 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12528-021-09285-z
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12528-021-09285-z