With the popularization of smart devices and the rapid development of smart voice technology, AI personal assistants (AIPAs) have penetrated deeply into users' lives. Compared with previous years, the accuracy, semantic understanding ability, and wake-up ability of AIPAs have been improved, but the lack of service maturity and the insufficient degree of scene integration have brought users a poor human–computer interaction experience. However, studies have scarcely uncovered the underlying mechanism through which those dark sides of AIPAs exert impacts on users' continuance intention. From the perspective of technostress, the current study proposes a theoretical model for consumers to cope with service failure pressure sources. This article collected 413 questionnaires and conducted an empirical analysis. Results show that negative technical characteristics will affect consumers’ psychological responses and ultimately affect consumers’ technical exhaustion, satisfaction, and two kinds of continuance intentions (general and partial continuance intentions) through cognitive load. Findings open up new avenues for research by exploring the mechanism of how the service failures of these AIPAs affect consumers' continuance intention through the perspective of technostress.
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This study was supported by grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) (71802126), and a grant from the Shanghai Pujiang Program (18PJC060).
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Sun, Y., Li, S. & Yu, L. The dark sides of AI personal assistant: effects of service failure on user continuance intention. Electron Markets 32, 17–39 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12525-021-00483-2
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12525-021-00483-2