Shoreline changes along the south Gujarat coast has been analyzed by using USGS Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) version 4.3. Multi-temporal satellite images pertaining to 1972, 1990, 2001 and 2011 were used to extract the shoreline. The High water line (HTL) is considered as shoreline and visual interpretation of satellite imageries has been carried out to demarcate the HTL based on various geomorphology and land use & land cover features. The present study used the Linear Regression Method (LRR) to calculate shoreline change rate. Based on the rate of shoreline changes, the coastal stretches of study area has been classified in to high erosion, low erosion, stable, low accretion and high accretion coast. The study found that about 69.31 % of the South Gujarat coast is eroding, about 18.40 % of coast is stable and remaining 12.28 % of the coast is accreting in nature. Field investigation was carried out which confirmed the coastal erosion/accretion derived from the analysis. The high erosion area are mostly found along the Umergaon (near Fansa, Maroli, Nargol, Varili river mouth, Umergaon light house) and Pardi (Kolak, Udwara)Taluka in Valsad district. Stable coastal length of the study area is 21.59 km and mostly found in Nani Dandi and near Onjal. High accretion (3.70 %) was only found near Hajira and low accretion (8.58 %) are distributed the study area. The main causes of coastal erosion of the study area were the strong tidal currents accompanied by wave action and reduced the sediment load of the river.

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The authors express their sincere gratitude to Shri A S Kiran Kumar, Director, SAC, Ahmedabad for providing overall guidance and support. The authors are also thankful to Dr. J S Parihar, Deputy Director, EPSA, and Dr. Ajai, Group Director, MPSG, SAC, Ahmedabad for providing their valuable guidance and constant encouragement.
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Mahapatra, M., Ratheesh, R. & Rajawat, A.S. Shoreline Change Analysis along the Coast of South Gujarat, India, Using Digital Shoreline Analysis System. J Indian Soc Remote Sens 42, 869–876 (2014). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12524-013-0334-8
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12524-013-0334-8