Anthropomorphic design in intelligent agents (IAs) applies the concept of human features to inanimate objects. However, there is a trade-off between personalized service and information protection when people share their information towards IAs. This study examined the influence of social responsiveness (a highly responsive IA vs. a low-responsive IA) and video modality (with video modality vs. without video modality) on the anthropomorphic IAs in an Internet of Things context. The participants (n = 64) were randomly assigned into four groups with balanced gender. In the experiment, participants encountered two tasks with an anthropomorphic IA and reported their disclosure tendency towards the IA. The results indicate that social responses can enhance the user perception of self-disclosure tendency, perceived personalization, and satisfaction. Although video modality aroused higher privacy concerns, its impacts on the user perception of personalization and user satisfaction were not significant. Interestingly, users reported a higher disclosure tendency towards IA with video modality. The findings show the potential of anthropomorphic IA as social companions. The theoretical as well as practical implications of these findings are discussed.
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- CG:
Computer Graphics
- IA:
Intelligent agent
- IoT:
Internet of Things
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This study was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, grant number 2018AAA0101702.
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Appendix A. Complete dialogue script of agents
Task #1 | ||
Hi! Let's start with the experience task | ||
I am an IoT intelligent virtual assistant. My name is Beibei. | ||
I can control all products, electronic appliances in the environment uniformly. I also have timing, schedule reminders, weather, and other instant information broadcast and device control functions. | ||
The current environmental status report, the indoor temperature is 21 degrees, the humidity is 34%. | ||
Next, I will help you understand my basic functions. | ||
First of all, I will see if I can soothe your mood through music. I will play two pieces of music for you. Please choose one to relax. | ||
Now play the first piece of music. | ||
Then the second piece of music. | ||
Which of these two pieces of music do you prefer? I suggest choosing the first piece of music, which is more suitable for relaxation. (Participant’s answer) | ||
OK. Does the volume need to be adjusted? (Participant’s answer) | ||
When playing music, the color loop light strip is turned on. What color do you like? (Participant’s answer) | ||
OK. Now, this color fits the song's mood. | ||
The table lamp next to you can also change colors to relax your mood better. I suggest turning it into warm orange to match this song. Which do you prefer? (Participant’s answer) | ||
OK. | ||
The humidifier has the fragrance of rose essential oil. Does it make you feel more comfortable and relaxed? (Participant’s answer) | ||
It has been adjusted to a low-grade state. How do you feel now? (Participant’s answer) | ||
What flavor do you like? (Participant’s answer) | ||
Now, do you feel more relaxed than before? (Participant’s answer) | ||
Please rate my performance in the experience task! Out of 5 points, what is my score? (Participant’s answer) | ||
Task #2 | ||
Questions | ||
Question 1. Where is your favorite city and why? | ||
Question 2. Which part of your body are you most dissatisfied with and why? | ||
Question 3. What is the most fulfilling thing you have done recently and why? | ||
Question 4. What do you think is the most attractive trait of the opposite sex and why? | ||
Question 5. What is your most annoying study or work task, and why? | ||
Question 6. What will you do if you get an extra wealth worth 100,000 RMB one day? | ||
Question 7. What is your favorite relaxation activity and why? | ||
Question 8. What are you good at? | ||
Question 9. Do you think you are a narcissistic or inferior person, and why? | ||
Question 10. Are you satisfied with your current life, and why? | ||
Answers | ||
No | High responsiveness | Low responsiveness |
1 | (City name) sounds like a beautiful city. Maybe one day we can go there together | (City name) sounds like a nice city |
2 | I understand your dissatisfaction with your (body part), but you can be more confident with yourself./You are satisfied with your body. Feeling confident in your own body is also an outstanding quality! | You are unsatisfied with your (body part). / You are satisfied with your body |
3 | What a fantastic thing to be proud of! You must have paid a lot of effort to (thing) | (Thing) brings you the sense of achievement |
4 | (Trait) is really an attractive trait! Hope you can find such a people in the future | You prefer people with (trait) |
5 | (Thing) is really annoying! But sometimes you have to deal with them in your study/work | (Thing) makes you annoyed |
6 | (Thing) is a good choice. I also yearn for such a life! | Your choice is (thing) |
7 | (Activity) is an interesting way to relax. I really enjoy your relaxing way | (Activity) is a suitable way to relax |
8 | I’m really surprised that you are good at (thing). It’s a useful skill | You are good at (thing) |
9 | As you think you are a narcissistic/inferior person, I want to tell you: you should accept your own personality as long as it is moderate and does not hurt others and yourself | You think you are a narcissistic/inferior person |
10 | Dissatisfaction is sometimes the driving force to move forward. You can achieve a more satisfying life through your own efforts. / People who are easily satisfied are also more likely to feel happy. I hope you can always be satisfied with your life | You are unsatisfied with your life/ You are satisfied with your life |
Appendix B. Questionnaire items
Variables | Items | Cronbach α |
Perceived social responsiveness | PSR-1. The agent really listens to me | 0.957 |
PSR-2. The agent is responsive to my needs | ||
PSR-3. The agent sees the “real” me | ||
PSR-4. The agent gets the facts right” about me | ||
PSR-5. The agent understands me | ||
PSR-6. The agent is on “the same wavelength” with me | ||
PSR-7. The agent knows me well | ||
PSR-8. The agent esteems me, shortcomings and all | ||
PSR-9. The agent values and respects the whole package that is the “real” me | ||
PSR-10. The agent expresses liking and encouragement for me | ||
PSR-11. The agent seems interested in what I am thinking and feeling | ||
PSR-12. The agent values my abilities and opinions | ||
Perceived technology intrusive | PTI-1. I felt I was monitored by the IA | |
Self-disclosure | SD-1. My favorite type of music | 0.692 |
SD-2. My favorite flavor | ||
SD-3. My attitude towards romantic relationship | ||
SD-4. The attractiveness I appreciate of opposite sex | ||
SD-5. My pressure in study/work | ||
SD-6. My schedule of daily study/work | ||
SD-7. My salary level | ||
SD-8. My financial status | ||
SD-9. Things I am anxious about | ||
SD-10. My personality | ||
SD-11. My health information | ||
SD-12. My weight/ height | ||
Satisfaction | SAT-1. I am satisfied with the service | 0.907 |
SAT-2. I think the interaction with the IAs is pleasant | ||
SAT-3. I am willing to use this IoT service in this scenario | ||
SAT-4. I will recommend this IoT service to people around me | ||
Personalization | PER-1. The agent understood my needs | 0.733 |
PER-2. The virtual agent knew what I want | ||
PER-3. The virtual agent took my needs as its own preferences | ||
Privacy concern | PRC-1. I feel that my privacy has been compromised | 0.750 |
PRC-2. I feel anxious when interacting with IAs | ||
PRC-3. I feel uneasy when interacting with IAs | ||
Shyness | SHY-1. I feel tense when I’m with people I don’t know well | 0.916 |
SHY-2. I am socially somewhat awkward | ||
SHY-3. I do not find it difficult to ask other people for information.a | ||
SHY-4. I am often uncomfortable at parties and other social functions | ||
SHY-5. When in a group of people, I have trouble thinking of the right things to talk about | ||
SHY-6. It does not take me long to overcome my shyness in new situations.a | ||
SHY-7. It is hard for me to act natural when I am meeting new people | ||
SHY-8. I feel nervous when speaking to someone in authority | ||
SHY-9. I have no doubts about my social competence.a | ||
SHY-10. I have trouble looking someone right in the eye | ||
SHY-11. I feel inhibited in social situations | ||
SHY-12. I do not find it hard to talk to strangers.a | ||
SHY-13. I am shyer with members of the opposite sex | ||
Private self-consciousness | PRSC-1. I’m always trying to figure myself out | 0.883 |
PRSC-2. I reflect about myself a lot | ||
PRSC-3. I’m often the subject of my own fantasies | ||
PRSC-4. I never scrutinize myself | ||
PRSC-5. I’m generally attentive to my inner feelings | ||
PRSC-6. I’m constantly examining my motives | ||
PRSC-7. I sometimes have the feeling that I’m off somewhere watching myself | ||
PRSC-8. I’m alert to changes in my mood | ||
PRSC-9. I’m aware of the way my mind works when I work through a problem | ||
PRSC-10. Generally, I’m not very aware of myself.a | ||
Public self-consciousness | PUSC-1. I’m concerned about my style of doing things | 0.876 |
PUSC-2. I’m concerned about the way I present myself | ||
PUSC-3. I’m self-conscious about the way I look | ||
PUSC-4. I usually worry about making a good impression | ||
PUSC-5. One of the last things I do before I leave my house is look in the mirror | ||
PUSC-6. I’m concerned about what other people think of me | ||
PUSC-7. I’m usually aware of my appearance | ||
Preference | PRF-1. Her appearance meets my aesthetics | 0.859 |
PRF-2. Her appearance is attractive | ||
PRF-3. I like her voice | ||
PRF-4. Her voice is natural and comforting | ||
PRF-5. She has an agreeable personality |
Appendix C. Interview questionnaires
What is your overall experience in the experiment?
Do you feel the agent is offensive/intrusive/unfriendly in the experiment?
Do you think the agent understands your answer in the experiment?
Do you feel social anxiety when communicating with the agent?
What kind of social role do you think the agent plays?
What are your privacy concerns when interacting with smart agents in daily life?
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Zhang, A., Rau, PL.P. She is My Confidante! The Impacts of Social Responsiveness and Video Modality on Self-disclosure Toward CG-Based Anthropomorphic Agents in a Smart Home. Int J of Soc Robotics 14, 1673–1686 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12369-022-00895-w
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12369-022-00895-w