Estimating the engagement is critical for human–robot interaction. Engagement measures typically rely on the dynamics of the social signals exchanged by the partners, especially speech and gaze. However, the dynamics of these signals are likely to be influenced by individual and social factors, such as personality traits, as it is well documented that they critically influence how two humans interact with each other. Here, we assess the influence of two factors, namely extroversion and negative attitude toward robots, on speech and gaze during a cooperative task, where a human must physically manipulate a robot to assemble an object. We evaluate if the score of extroversion and negative attitude towards robots co-variate with the duration and frequency of gaze and speech cues. The experiments were carried out with the humanoid robot iCub and N = 56 adult participants. We found that the more people are extrovert, the more and longer they tend to talk with the robot; and the more people have a negative attitude towards robots, the less they will look at the robot face and the more they will look at the robot hands where the assembly and the contacts occur. Our results confirm and provide evidence that the engagement models classically used in human–robot interaction should take into account attitudes and personality traits.

In social psychology, there is a net distinction between personality traits and attitudes. Here, we use methods from differential psychology rather than social psychology: the distinction between the two is not important, as long as the two factors are two characteristics of the individual that are evaluated at a certain time prior to the interaction. We measured the attitude towards robots with the NARS questionnaire, a test that was created to capture the projected anxiety of the person before its interaction with the robot. We used it to evaluate an individual attitude prior to the direct interaction with the robot (participants filled the NARS questionnaire several days before the experiment—see details about the experimental procedure in Sect. 4.4).
See for example the press article: “Will workplace robots cost more jobs than they create?” http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-27995372.
We interviewed our participants after the experiments. Some reported that they “do not like robots because they are going to take our jobs”. Some reported to have enjoyed the experiment with the robot and made explicit reference to their expectations being influenced by “the robots of Star Wars”.
In social psychology, there is a net distinction personality traits and attitudes. Here, we use methods from differential psychology rather than social psychology. We measured the attitude towards robots with the NARS questionnaire, a test that was created to capture the projected anxiety of the person before its interaction with the robot. We used it to evaluate an individual attitude prior to the direct interaction with the robot (participants filled the NARS questionnaire several days before the experiment—see details about the experimental procedure in Sect. 4.4).
A recent paper from Dinet and Vivian [16] studied the NARS and validated it on a sample of French population. Their study was published only after our work and experiments. They employed their own translation of the questionnaire, which has some slight differences with ours, mostly due to some nuances of the French language. These do not preserve the original meaning when translated back into English. In their paper there is no mention of a double translation mechanism for validating the French adaptation of the questionnaire.
This was done as a safety measure. However, nothing happened during the experiments: the experimenter never had to push the safety button, and she never had to stop the physical interaction between the robot and the subject.
It is a dissemination video from IIT showing the iCub, available on Youtube: http://youtu.be/ZcTwO2dpX8A.
In the post-experiment interview, we asked the participants if they thought or had the impression that the robot was controlled by someone: all the participants thought that the robot was fully autonomous.
The demonstration was also part of the safety measures required by the Ethics Committee to approve our protocol.
The operator could switch the control mode without the need of the verbal command, since he had a direct visibility of the interaction zone in front of the robot through an additional camera that was centered on the workspace in front of the robot (see Fig. 2).
Utterances are units of speech that begin and end by a pause. To determine the beginning and the end of each utterance, we consider pauses greater than 500ms.
Correlation is frequently used to study the link between personality and behavior, as discussed in [18], a survey on the link between extroversion and behavior where all the cited studies use correlations to test their hypothesis.
According to the NEO-PIR, a participant obtaining a score bigger than 137 is considered extrovert, while one with a score below 80 is introvert.
According to the NARS, a score over 65 is a sign of negative attitude towards robots, while a score below 35 indicates a rather positive attitude towards robots.
Contact forces are the forces due to the physical interaction between the human and the robot, originated at the contact location where the interaction occurs.
See download instructions at http://eris.liralab.it/wiki/UPMC_iCub_project/MACSi_Software.
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The authors wish to thank Charles Ballarini for his contribution in software and experiments, Salvatore Anzalone and Ilaria Gaudiello for their contribution to the design of the experimental protocol. This work was performed within the Project EDHHI of Labex SMART (ANR-11-LABX-65) supported by French state funds managed by the ANR within the Investissements d’Avenir programme under reference ANR-11-IDEX-0004-02. The work was partially supported by the FP7 EU projects CoDyCo (No. 600716 ICT 2011.2.1 Cognitive Systems and Robotics).
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Appendix 1: Questionnaire for Negative Attitude Towards Robots (NARS)
See Table 6 for the questions in English and French.
Appendix 2: Questionnaire for Post-experimental Evaluation of the Assembly Task
See Table 7 for the questions in English and French.
Appendix 3: Software for Operating the Robot
The WoZ GUI was organized in several tabs, each dedicated to a specific task, such as controlling the robot movements (gaze, hands movements, posture), its speech, its face expressions etc. The GUI events are elaborated by the actionServer module and others developed by the authors in previous studies [27, 28]. All the developed software is open sourceFootnote 18.
WoZ GUI. a The tab dedicated to the quick control of gaze, grasps and hands movements in the Cartesian space. The buttons sends pre-defined commands to the actionsServer module, developed in [28]. The buttons of the bottom row allows the operator to bring the robot in pre-defined postures (whole-body joint configurations): they were pre-programmed so as to simplify the control of the iCub during the experiments, in case the operator had to “bring it back” to a pre-defined configuration that could simplify the interaction for the participants. They were useful also for prototyping and testing of the experiments. b Part of the GUI dedicated to switching the control mode of the arms—position, zero-torque, then impedance control with low, medium and high stiffness
WoZ GUI. a The tab related to the robot’s speech. The operator can choose between a list of pre-defined sentences and expressions, or he can type a new sentence on-the-fly: this is done to be able to quickly formulate an answer to an unexpected request of the participant. The operator can switch between french and english speech (at the moment, the only two supported languages), even if in the experiments of this paper of course the robot was always speaking french. b The tab related to facial expressions. The list of facial expression along with their specific realization on the iCub face (the combination of the activation of the LEDs in eyelids and mouth) is loaded from a configuration file
Figure 11a shows the tab related to the control of head gaze and hands movements. It is designed to control the gaze direction in the Cartesian space, with relative movements with respect to the fixation position (joints at zero degrees in both eyes and neck). The hands can be quickly controlled by a list of available pre-defined grasps, plus primitives for rotating the palm orientation (towards the ground, skywards, facing each other). It is also possible to control the hand position and orientation in the Cartesian space, providing relative movements with respect to the current position with respect to the Cartesian base frame of the robot (the origin located at the base of the torso, with x-axis pointing backward, y-axis pointing towards the right side of the robot and z-axis pointing towards the robot head). Some buttons allow the operator to control the whole posture of the robot and bring it back to pre-defined configurations. Figure 11b shows the part of the GUI dedicated to switching the control mode of the arms: position, zero-torque, then impedance with high, medium and low stiffness. The default values of the module demoForceControl Footnote 19 for stiffness and damping were used. During the experiments, the arms were controlled in the “medium compliance” impedance mode, which allows the robot to exhibit a good compliance in case of unexpected contacts with the human participant. When the participant had grabbed the robot arms to start the teaching movement, the operator switched the control to zero-torque, which made the arms move under the effect of the human guidance. Figure 12a shows the tab related to the robot’s speech. It is designed to quickly choose choose one among a list of pre-defined sentences and expressions, in one of the supported languages (currently French or English). It is also possible to generate new sentences, that can be typed on-the-fly by the operator: this is done to allow the operator to quickly formulate an answer to an unexpected request of the participant. The operator can switch between the supported languages, but of course in the experiments of this paper the robot was always speaking French (as all the participants were native french speakers). The text-to-speech in English is generated by the festival library, while in French by the Pico library. Figure 12b shows the tab related to facial expressions. The list of facial expressions along with their specific realization on the iCub face (the combination of the activation of the LEDs in eyelids and mouth) is loaded from a configuration file that was designed by the experimenter.
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Ivaldi, S., Lefort, S., Peters, J. et al. Towards Engagement Models that Consider Individual Factors in HRI: On the Relation of Extroversion and Negative Attitude Towards Robots to Gaze and Speech During a Human–Robot Assembly Task. Int J of Soc Robotics 9, 63–86 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12369-016-0357-8
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12369-016-0357-8