Covert mining of cryptocurrency implies the use of valuable computing resources and high energy consumption. In this paper, we propose MineCap, a dynamic online mechanism for detecting and blocking covert cryptocurrency mining flows, using machine learning on software-defined networking. The proposed mechanism relies on Spark Streaming for online processing of network flows, and, when identifying a mining flow, it requests the flow blocking to the network controller. We also propose a learning technique called super incremental learning, a variant of the super learner applied to online learning, which takes the classification probabilities of an ensemble of classifiers as features for an incremental learning classifier. Hence, we design an accurate mechanism to classify mining flows that learn with incoming data with an average of 98% accuracy, 99% precision, 97% sensitivity, and 99.9% specificity and avoid concept drift–related issues.

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29 January 2020
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Available on https://osrg.github.io/ryu/.
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We would like to acknowledge CNPq, CAPES, FAPERJ, RNP, and the ANEEL’s R&D program (PD-07130-0053/2018) for the partial funding of this research.
We would like to acknowledge CNPq, CAPES, FAPERJ, and RNP for the partial funding of this research.
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Neto, H.N.C., Lopez, M.A., Fernandes, N.C. et al. MineCap: super incremental learning for detecting and blocking cryptocurrency mining on software-defined networking. Ann. Telecommun. 75, 121–131 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12243-019-00744-4
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12243-019-00744-4