The paper derives the impact of inventory sharing policy on the bullwhip effect in two-stage supply chains with two independent suppliers and two integrated retailers. There exists an inventory sharing policy between two retailers. Under inventory sharing policy, when demand in one retailer exceeds its inventory, this retailer can ask for a product sharing volume from the other in order to satisfy customer demand. With certain assumptions, the bullwhip effect is quantified in both cases, with inventory sharing policy and without inventory sharing policy. We found that inventory sharing has significant impact on the bullwhip effect in the supply system. However, inventory sharing policy does not synchronously reduce or increase the bullwhip effect in both suppliers in the same period. A numerical example is given to illustrate the study model.
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The authors would like to thank the referees for their valuable comments and suggestions.
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The derivation process of E(Dt,i) and \( \text{var} (D_{t,i} ) \)When the autoregressive demand process is stationary, we have
$$ E(D_{t,i} ) = E(D_{t - 1,i} ) = E(D_{t - 2,i} ) = \ldots = E(D_{i} ), $$and
$$ \text{var} (D_{t,i} ) = \text{var} (D_{t - 1,i} ) = \text{var} (D_{t - 2,i} ) = \ldots = \text{var} (D_{i} ), $$where
$$ \begin{aligned} & D_{t,1} = \mu_{1} + \rho_{1} D_{t - 1,1} + \varepsilon_{t,1} , \\ & E(D_{t,1} ) = E(\mu_{1} ) + \rho_{1} E(D_{t - 1,1} ) + E(\varepsilon_{t,1} ) \\ & E(D_{1} ) = \,\mu_{1} + \rho_{1} E(D_{1} ) + 0 \\ & \quad \Rightarrow E(D_{1} ) = \frac{{\mu_{1} }}{{1 - \rho_{1} }}. \\ & \,\text{var} (D_{t,1} ) = \text{var} (\mu_{1} ) + \rho_{1}^{2} \text{var} (D_{t - 1,1} ) + \text{var} (\varepsilon_{t,1} ) \\ \, & \text{var} (D_{1} ) = 0 + \rho_{1}^{2} \text{var} (D_{1} ) + \sigma_{1}^{2} \\ & \quad \Rightarrow \text{var} (D_{1} ) = \frac{{\sigma_{1}^{2} }}{{1 - \rho_{1}^{2} }}. \\ \end{aligned} $$Similarly, we have
$$ \begin{aligned} E(D_{2} ) & = \frac{{\mu_{2} }}{{1 - \rho_{2} }}, \\ \text{var} (D_{1} ) & = \frac{{\sigma_{2}^{2} }}{{1 - \rho_{2}^{2} }}. \\ \end{aligned} $$ -
The derivation process of the further equation of qt,1.
$$ \begin{aligned} q_{t,1} &= y_{t,1} - y_{t - 1,1} + D_{t -1,1} + \lambda q_{t,1} , \\ \Rightarrow q_{t,1} & = \frac{1}{1 -\lambda }\left[ {y_{t,1} - y_{t - 1,1} + D_{t - 1,1} } \right] \\& = \frac{1}{1 - \lambda }\left[ {\left({\widehat{D}_{t,1}^{{L_{1} }} + z_{1} \widehat{\sigma}_{t,1}^{{L_{1} }} } \right) - \left( {\widehat{D}_{t - 1,1}^{{L_{1}}} + z_{1} \widehat{\sigma }_{t - 1,1}^{{L_{1} }} } \right) + D_{t -1,1} } \right] \\ & = \frac{1}{1 - \lambda }\left[ {\left({\widehat{D}_{t,1}^{{L_{1} }} - \widehat{D}_{t - 1,1}^{{L_{1} }} }\right) + D_{t - 1,1} - z_{1} \left( {\widehat{\sigma}_{t,1}^{{L_{1} }} - \widehat{\sigma }_{t - 1,1}^{{L_{1} }} }\right)} \right] \\ & = \frac{L}{p(1 - \lambda )}\left({\sum\limits_{i = 1}^{p} {D_{t - i,1} - \sum\limits_{i = 1}^{p}{D_{t - 1 - i,1} } } } \right) \\ & \quad + \frac{{D_{t - 1,1}}}{1 - \lambda } + \frac{{z_{1} }}{1 - \lambda }\left({\widehat{\sigma }_{t,1}^{{L_{1} }} - \widehat{\sigma }_{t -1,1}^{{L_{1} }} } \right) \\ \, & = \frac{L}{p(1 - \lambda)}\left( {D_{t - 1,1} - D_{t - p - 1,1} } \right) + \frac{{D_{t -1,1} }}{1 - \lambda } + \frac{{z_{1} }}{1 - \lambda }\left({\widehat{\sigma }_{t,1}^{{L_{1} }} - \widehat{\sigma }_{t -1,1}^{{L_{1} }} } \right) \\ & = \frac{1}{1 - \lambda }\left(1 +\frac{{L_{1} }}{p}\right)D_{t - 1,1} - \frac{{L_{1} }}{p\left(1 - \lambda\right)}D_{t - p - 1,1} \\ & \quad + \frac{{z_{1} }}{1 - \lambda}\left( {\widehat{\sigma }_{t,1}^{{L_{1} }} - \widehat{\sigma }_{t -1,1}^{{L_{1} }} } \right), \\ \end{aligned} $$$$\text{var} (q_{t,1} ) = \text{var} \left( \begin{gathered}\frac{1}{1 - \lambda }\left(1 + \frac{{L_{1}}}{p}\right)D_{t - 1,1} -\frac{{L_{1} }}{p(1 - \lambda )}D_{t - p - 1,1} \hfill \\ \, +\frac{{z_{1} }}{1 - \lambda }\left( {\widehat{\sigma }_{t,1}^{{L_{1}}} - \widehat{\sigma }_{t - 1,1}^{{L_{1} }} } \right) \hfill \\\end{gathered} \right) $$$$\begin{aligned} &= \frac{1}{{(1 - \lambda )^{2} }}\left(\begin{gathered} \left(1 + \frac{{L_{1} }}{p}\right)^{2} \text{var} (D_{t -1,1} ) \hfill \\ - 2\left(\frac{{L_{1} }}{p}\right)\left(1 + \frac{{L_{1}}}{p}\right)\text{cov} (D_{t - 1,1} ,D_{t - p - 1,1} ) \hfill \\ +\left(\frac{{L_{1} }}{p}\right)^{2} \text{var} (D_{t - p - 1,1} ) + z_{1}^{2}\text{var} (\widehat{\sigma }_{t,1}^{{L_{1} }} - \widehat{\sigma}_{t - 1,1}^{{L_{1} }} ) \hfill \\ + 2z_{1} \left(1 + \frac{{2L_{1}}}{p}\right)\text{cov} (D_{t - 1,1} ,\widehat{\sigma }_{t,1}^{{L_{1} }} )\hfill \\ \end{gathered} \right) \\ & = \frac{1}{{\left(1 - \lambda\right)^{2} }}\left( \begin{gathered} \left(1 + \frac{{2L_{1} }}{p} +\left(\frac{{2L_{1} }}{p}\right)^{2} \right)\text{var} (D_{1} ) \hfill \\ -\left(\frac{{2L_{1} }}{p} + \frac{{2L_{1}^{2} }}{p}\right)\text{cov} (D_{t -1,1} ,D_{t - p - 1,1} ) \hfill \\ + z_{1}^{2} \text{var}(\widehat{\sigma }_{t,1}^{{L_{1} }} - \widehat{\sigma }_{t -1,1}^{{L_{1} }} ) \hfill \\ + 2z_{1} \left(1 + \frac{{2L_{1}}}{p}\right)\text{cov} (D_{t - 1,1} ,\widehat{\sigma }_{t,1}^{{L_{1} }} )\hfill \\ \end{gathered} \right). \\ \end{aligned} $$Now we will determine \( \text{cov} (D_{t - 1,1} ,D_{t - p - 1,1} ) \) and \( \text{cov} (D_{t - 1,1} ,\widehat{\sigma }_{t,1}^{{L_{1} }} ) \) We have
$$ \begin{gathered} \text{cov} (D_{t - 1,1} ,D_{t - p - 1,1} ) \hfill \\ = \text{cov} \left( {(\mu_{1} + \rho_{1} D_{t - 2,1} + \varepsilon_{t,1} ),D_{t - p - 1,1} } \right) \hfill \\ = \text{cov} \left( {\mu_{1} ,D_{t - p - 1,1} } \right) + \rho_{1} \text{cov} \left( {D_{t - 2,1} ,D_{t - p - 1,1} } \right) \hfill \\ + \text{cov} \left( {\varepsilon_{t,1} ,D_{t - p - 1,1} } \right). \hfill \\ \end{gathered} $$$$ \begin{gathered} ({\text{Since}}\,\text{cov} \left( {\mu_{1} ,D_{t - p - 1,1} } \right) = 0\,{\text{and}}\,\text{cov} \left( {\varepsilon_{t,1} ,D_{t - p - 1,1} } \right) = 0), \hfill \\ \text{cov} (D_{t - 1,1} ,D_{t - p - 1,1} ) = \rho_{1} \text{cov} \left( {D_{t - 2,1} ,D_{t - p - 1,1} } \right) \hfill \\ \ldots \hfill \\ = \rho_{1}^{p} \text{cov} \left( {D_{t - p,1} ,D_{t - p - 1,1} } \right) \hfill \\ = \rho_{1}^{p} \text{var} (D_{1} ). \hfill \\ \end{gathered} $$We assume that forecasting customer demands by retailers are random variables of the form as \( D_{t} = \mu + \rho D_{t - 1} + \varepsilon_{t} \), and the error terms ɛ t are identically independent distribution with mean 0 and variance σ2. Let the estimate of the standard deviation of forecast error of the lead time demand be
$$ \widehat{\sigma }_{t}^{L} = C_{L,p} \sqrt {\frac{{\sum\nolimits_{i = j}^{p} {(D_{t - j} - \widehat{D}_{t - j} )^{2} } }}{p}} . $$Applying the result proved in Ryan [21], we have
$$ \text{cov} (D_{t - j} ,\widehat{\sigma }_{t}^{L} ) = 0,\quad \forall i = 1,2, \ldots ,p. $$Hence,
$$ \begin{gathered} \text{var} (q_{t,1} ) \hfill \\ = \frac{1}{{(1 -\lambda )^{2} }}\left[ \begin{gathered} \left(1 + \frac{{2L_{1} }}{p} +2\left(\frac{{L_{1} }}{p}\right)^{2} \right)\text{var} (D_{1} ) \hfill \\ -\left(\frac{{2L_{1} }}{p} + \frac{{2L_{1}^{2} }}{p}\right)\text{cov} (D_{t -1,1} ,D_{t - p - 1,1} ) \hfill \\ + z_{1}^{2} \text{var}(\widehat{\sigma }_{t,1}^{{L_{1} }} - \widehat{\sigma }_{t -1,1}^{{L_{1} }} ) + \,2z_{1} \left(1 + \frac{{2L_{1} }}{p}\right)\text{cov}(D_{t - 1,1} ,\widehat{\sigma }_{t,1}^{{L_{1} }} ) \hfill \\\end{gathered} \right] \hfill \\ = \frac{1}{{(1 - \lambda )^{2}}}\left[ \begin{gathered} \left(1 + \frac{{2L_{1} }}{p} + 2\left(\frac{{L_{1}}}{p}\right)^{2} \right)\text{var} (D_{1} ) - \,\left(\frac{{2L_{1} }}{p} +\frac{{2L_{1}^{2} }}{p}\right)\rho_{1}^{p} \text{var} (D_{1} ) \hfill \\ +z_{1}^{2} \text{var} (\widehat{\sigma }_{t,1}^{{L_{1} }} -\widehat{\sigma }_{t - 1,1}^{{L_{1} }} ) \hfill \\ \end{gathered}\right] \hfill \\ = \frac{{\text{var} (D_{1} )}}{{(1 - \lambda )^{2}}}\left[ {1 + \left(\frac{{2L_{1} }}{p} + \frac{{2L_{1}^{2} }}{p}\right)(1 -\rho_{1}^{p} )} \right] + \frac{{z_{1}^{2} \text{var}(\widehat{\sigma }_{t,1}^{{L_{1} }} - \widehat{\sigma }_{t -1,1}^{{L_{1} }} )}}{{(1 - \lambda )^{2} }}. \hfill \\ \end{gathered}$$ -
The derivation process of the further expression of qt,2:
$$ \begin{aligned} q_{t,2} & = \left(1 + \frac{{L_{2} }}{p}\right)D_{t -1,2} - \left(\frac{{L_{2} }}{p}\right)D_{t - p - 1,2} + z_{2} (\widehat{\sigma}_{t,2}^{{L_{2} }} - \widehat{\sigma }_{t - 1,2}^{{L_{2} }} ) -\lambda q_{t,1} , \\ \Rightarrow \text{var} (q_{t,2} ) \\ & =\text{var} \left[ {\left(1 + \frac{{L_{2} }}{p}\right)D_{t - 1,2} -\left(\frac{{L_{2} }}{p}\right)D_{t - p - 1,2} + z_{2} (\widehat{\sigma}_{t,2}^{{L_{2} }} - \widehat{\sigma }_{t - 1,2}^{{L_{2} }} )}\right] \\ & \quad - \lambda^{2} \text{var} (q_{t,1} ) \\ &= \left(1 + \frac{{L_{2} }}{p}\right)^{2} \text{var} (D_{t - 1,2} ) -2\left(\frac{{L_{2} }}{p}\right)\left(1 + \frac{{L_{2} }}{p}\right)\text{cov} (D_{t - 1,2},D_{t - p - 1,2} ) \\ & \quad + \left(\frac{{L_{2} }}{p}\right)^{2}\text{var} (D_{t - p - 1,2} ) + z_{2}^{2} \text{var}(\widehat{\sigma }_{t,2}^{{L_{2} }} - \widehat{\sigma }_{t -1,2}^{{L_{2} }} ) \\ & \quad + 2z_{2} \left(1 + 2\frac{{L_{2}}}{p}\right)\text{cov} (D_{t - 1,2} ,\widehat{\sigma }_{t,2}^{{L_{2} }} )- \lambda^{2} \text{var} (q_{t,1} ) \\ & = \left( {1 +2\frac{{L_{2} }}{p} + 2\left(\frac{{L_{2} }}{p}\right)^{2} } \right)\text{var}(D_{2} ) \\ & \quad - \left( {\frac{{2L_{2} }}{p} +2(\frac{{L_{2} }}{p})^{2} } \right)\text{cov} (D_{t - 1,2} ,D_{t - p- 1,2} ) \\ \,\quad + z_{2}^{2} \text{var} (\widehat{\sigma}_{t,2}^{{L_{2} }} - \widehat{\sigma }_{t - 1,2}^{{L_{2} }} ) +2z_{2} \left(1 + \frac{{2L_{2} }}{p}\right)\text{cov} (D_{t - 1,2},\widehat{\sigma }_{t,2}^{{L_{2} }} ) \\ & \quad - \lambda^{2}\text{var} (q_{t,1} ). \\ \end{aligned} $$Furthermore, we have \( \text{cov} (D_{t - 1,2} ,\widehat{\sigma }_{t,2}^{{L_{2} }} ) = 0 \) and
$$ \begin{gathered} \text{cov} (D_{t - 1,2} ,D_{t - p - 1,2} ) \hfill \\ = \text{cov} (\mu_{2} + \rho_{2} D_{t - 2,2} + \varepsilon_{t - 1,2} ,D_{t - p - 1,2} ) \hfill \\ = \text{cov} (\mu_{2} ,D_{t - p - 1,2} ) + \rho_{2} \text{cov} (D_{t - 2,2} ,D_{t - p - 1,2} ) \hfill \\ \quad + \text{cov} (\varepsilon_{t - 1,2} ,D_{t - p - 1,2} ) \hfill \\ = \rho_{2} \text{cov} (D_{t - 1,2} ,D_{t - p - 1,2} ) \hfill \\ \ldots \hfill \\ = \rho_{2}^{p} \text{cov} (D_{t - p - 1,2} ,D_{t - p - 1,2} ) \hfill \\ = \rho_{2}^{p} \text{var} (D_{2} ). \hfill \\ \end{gathered}$$$$({\text{Note}}\,{\text{that}}\,\text{cov} (\mu_{2} ,D_{t - p - 1,2} ) = 0\quad {\text{and}}\quad \text{cov} (\varepsilon_{t - 1,2} ,D_{t - p - 1,2} ) = 0) $$Hence,
$$ \begin{aligned} \text{var} (q_{t,2} ) & = \left( {1 + 2\frac{{L_{2} }}{p} + 2\left(\frac{{L_{2} }}{p}\right)^{2} } \right)\text{var} (D_{2} ) \\ & \quad - \left( {\frac{{2L_{2} }}{p} + 2\left(\frac{{L_{2} }}{p}\right)^{2} } \right)\rho_{2}^{2} \text{var} (D_{2} ) \\ & \quad + z_{2}^{2} \text{var} (\widehat{\sigma }_{t,2}^{{L_{2} }} - \widehat{\sigma }_{t - 1,2}^{{L_{2} }} )\, - \lambda^{2} \text{var} (q_{t,1} ) \\ & = \text{var} (D_{2} )\left[ {1 + \left( {2\frac{{L_{2} }}{p} + 2\left(\frac{{L_{2} }}{p}\right)^{2} } \right)(1 - \rho_{2}^{2} )} \right] \\ & \quad + z_{2}^{2} \text{var} (\widehat{\sigma }_{t,2}^{{L_{2} }} - \widehat{\sigma }_{t - 1,2}^{{L_{2} }} )\, - \lambda^{2} \text{var} (q_{t,1} ). \\ \end{aligned} $$
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Le, D.V., Huynh, L.T., Claudiu, K.V. et al. The impact of inventory sharing on the bullwhip effect in decentralized inventory systems. Logist. Res. 6, 89–98 (2013). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12159-012-0096-7
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12159-012-0096-7