We have initiated a project aimed at enhancing interdisciplinary understanding and usability of polar data by diverse communities. We have produced computer- and human-understandable models of sea ice that can be used to support the interoperability of a wide range of sea ice data. This has the potential to improve scientific predictive analyses and increase usage of the data by scientists, modelers, and forecasters as well as residents of communities that rely on sea ice. We have developed a family of ontologies, leveraging existing best in class models, including one module describing physical characteristics of sea ice, another describing sea ice charts, and a third modeling “egg codes” - an internationally accepted standard for symbolically representing sea ice within geographic regions. We used a semantic Web methodology to rapidly gather and refine requirements, design and iterate over the ontologies, and to evaluate the ontologies with respect to the use cases. We gathered requirements from a wide range of potential stakeholders reflecting the interests of operational ice centers, ice researchers, and indigenous people. We introduce the driving use case and provide an overview of the resulting open source ontologies. We also introduce some key technical considerations including the prominent role of provenance, terms of use, and credit in the model. We describe how the ontologies are being employed and highlight their compatibility with a wide range of existing standards previously developed by many of the stakeholder communities.

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The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of National Science Foundation Award ACI 0956010 INTEROP: International Network of Arctic Knowledge that funded this work. We’d also like to thank the attendees of the several workshops held by this project, including members of the sea ice research, observations and modeling communities, ice operations specialists, and Indigenous sea ice experts from Barrow, Savoonga and the Lower Yukon region of Alaska for their participation in a series of lively and productive discussions leading to the results described here. Lastly, we’d like to thank the members of the JCOMM-ETSI for their review of the ontologies and willingness to maintain them going forward.
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Communicated by: H. A. Babaie
Published in the Special Issue of Semantic e-Science with Guest Editors Dr. Xiaogang Ma, Dr. Peter Fox, Dr. Thomas Narock and Dr. Brian Wilson.
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Duerr, R.E., McCusker, J.P., Parsons, M.A. et al. Formalizing the semantics of sea ice. Earth Sci Inform 8, 51–62 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12145-014-0177-z
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12145-014-0177-z