Blockchain has revolutionized numerous fields, which include financial services, health care, the Internet of things, academia and supply chain management. Blockchain technology enables us to have an immutable, distributed ledger for managing the transactions of untrusted users. However, the technology has many open challenges, such as privacy leaks, scalability, and energy consumption. User identity can be easily tracked using network analysis, as transactions are accessible to everyone, which is a serious concern of blockchain. In this paper, we propose a new efficient, privacy-preserving, and quantum-resistant key generation algorithm, namely, lattice-based hierarchical deterministic key generation (LB-HDKG), for maintaining user privacy in the public blockchain. The LB-HDKG scheme generates many cryptographic keys in a tree-like structure from a single seed to hide the links between transactions of the same user. Our proposal uses the lattice NTRU cryptosystem, the security of which relies on the shortest vector problem (SVP) and closest vector problem (CVP) over the polynomial ring. Operations on the lattice NTRU cryptosystem are efficient and secure against classical computers and quantum computers. Security and performance analyses of our scheme show that the model is more secure and efficient and should replace current models to safeguard data from quantum computers.

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Banupriya, S., Kottursamy, K. & Bashir, A.K. Privacy-preserving hierarchical deterministic key generation based on a lattice of rings in public blockchain. Peer-to-Peer Netw. Appl. 14, 2813–2825 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12083-021-01117-2
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12083-021-01117-2