In recent years, vehicular ad-hoc network (VANET) is getting a growing interest due to its significant function in terms of vehicle information services and vehicular entertainment applications. In particular, VANET enables parking vehicles (PVs) and roadside units (RSUs) to share their contents with mobile vehicles (MVs), which improves the efficiency of content delivery. However, content delivery in VANET still confronts with several challenges. Due to the selfishness of the PVs, an incentive mechanism is needed to motivate them to contribute their cached contents. Moreover, MVs may be threatened by the trustless or even malicious PVs. In this paper, we propose a reputation-based cooperative content delivery mechanism to improve the efficiency and security of content delivery. We formulate the relationships among MVs, RSUs, and PVs as the two-layer auction game. With the auction game, MVs find the optimal PV and RSU for delivering contents and offering the optimized rewards. In addition, we present a dynamic reputation evaluation model. Based on the feature of content delivery, this model incentivizes these honest PVs and isolates malicious PVs, which improves the security of content delivery. Finally, simulation results show that the proposed mechanism can not only improve the effectiveness of content delivery in VANET, but also avoid the attacks of malicious PVs.

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This work is supported by Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai (No.15411953500) and the National Key Research and Development Program of China (No. 2019YFB1405500).
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This article belongs to the Topical Collection: Special Issue on Privacy-Preserving Computing
Guest Editors: Kaiping Xue, Zhe Liu, Haojin Zhu, Miao Pan and David S.L. Wei
Appendix A
Proof of Theorem 1
We assume that the bidding strategy \(\left ({s_{i,j,q}^{*},r_{i,j,q}^{*}} \right )\) is not the optimal of PV j. Then, there must be another optimal bidding \(\left ({{{s^{\prime }}_{i,j,q}},{{r^{\prime }}_{i,j,q}},{{p^{\prime }}_{i,j,q}}} \right )\) to maximize the utility of PV j. Here, \(s_{i,j,q}^{*} \ne {s^{\prime }_{i,j,q}}\), \(r_{i,j,q}^{*} \ne {r^{\prime }_{i,j,q}}\). Let
Therefore, we have
Obviously, Eq. (27) is contradictory to the initial assumption. Therefore, the bidding strategy \(\left ({s_{i,j,q}^{*},r_{i,j,q}^{*}} \right )\) is optimal.
Equation 13 is a binary function denoted as f(si, j, q,ri, j, q). PV changes si, j, q and ri, j, q to maximize this function. The maximum value can be obtained at the boundaries \({r_{i,j,q}}{\text { = }}r_{i,j,q}^{{\min \limits } }\), \({r_{i,j,q}}{\text { = }}r_{i,j,q}^{{\max \limits } }\), \({s_{i,j,q}}{\text { = }}s_{i,j,q}^{{\min \limits } }\), \({s_{i,j,q}}{\text { = }}s_{i,j,q}^{{\max \limits } }\) and the stagnation point of the function. By taking the first partial derivatives on the four boundaries of the function f(si, j, q,ri, j, q), we have
By taking the first partial derivative of the function f(si, j, q,ri, j, q), we can get the stagnation point
Therefore, the optimal bidding strategy of PV j can be expressed as
Here, \({{\Delta }_{i,j,q}}{\text { = }}\left \{ {\left ({s_{_{i,j,q}}^{1},r_{i,j,q}^{1}} \right ), {\ldots } ,\left ({s_{_{i,j,q}}^{5},r_{i,j,q}^{5}} \right )} \right \}\) is the set of candidate points on stagnation point and boundaries.
This completes our proof.
Appendix B
Proof of Theorem 2
When the optimal content size \(s_{i,j,q}^{*}\) and transmission rate \(r_{i,j,q}^{*}\) are determined by PV j, the utility of RSU i can be rewritten as
When the bidding price of PV j is equal to the cost price, the utility of RSU i can be maximized. The maximum utility of RSU i can be calculated by
Combining Eq. (34) and Eq. (35), the expected utility of PV j can be expressed as
where \({\mathbb {P}_{i,j}}\) is the probability that PV j wins the game. Note that RSU i wants to select the PV to obtain the maximum utility. Namely, we can obtain
where N is the number of PVs with content q parked around RSU i. Thus, \({\mathbb {P}_{i,j}}\) also means that the probability of PV j to maximize the utility of RSU i. It can be calculated by
Let \(\tilde u_{i,j,q}^{RSU} = {\omega _{i,j,q}}\left ({{\varphi _{i,j,q}}} \right )\) represent the relationship function between φi, j, q and \(\tilde u_{i,j,q}^{RSU}\). The greater the φi, j, q, the higher the social welfare. It also means that PV j has more choices in its bidding price. Therefore, the function \({\omega _{i,j,q}}\left (\cdot \right )\) is an increasing function, we can have
where \({\Phi } \left (\cdot \right )\) is the probability distribution function of the cost parameter \({\xi _{i,j^{\prime },q}}\) of PV \(j^{\prime }\). Therefore, the probability \({\mathbb {P}_{i,j}}\) can be rewritten as
We set \({\mathbb {P}_{i,j}} = H\left ({{\varphi _{i,j,q}}} \right )\) to reflect the relationship between φi, j, q and the probability \({\mathbb {P}_{i,j}}\). Thus, we have
Then, the expected utility of PV j can be rewritten as
The first derivative of \(E\left \{ {u_{i,j,q}^{PV}} \right \}\) with respect to \({\tilde u_{i,j,q}^{RSU}}\) can be calculated by
where \(\dot H\left (\cdot \right )\) is the derivative of the function \(H\left (\cdot \right )\) to \(\tilde u_{i,j,q}^{RSU}\). Let \(\frac {{\partial E\left \{ {u_{i,j,q}^{PV}} \right \}}}{{\partial \tilde u_{i,j,q}^{RSU}}} = 0\), we have
By solving Eq. (44), we can obtain
By solving the integral equation in Eq. (45), we have
Substituting \(\tilde u_{i,j,q}^{RSU}\) and φi, j, q into Eq. (45), we can obtain the optimal bidding price of PV j
where \(H\left ({{\varphi _{i,j,q}}} \right ) = {\mathbb {P}_{i,j}} = {\left ({1 - {\Phi } \left ({{\xi _{i,j,q}}} \right )} \right )^{N - 1}}\). Since ξi, j, q obeys the uniform distribution, we can obtain
Therefore, the optimal bidding price of PV j is
This completes our proof.
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Zhu, Z., Xu, Y. & Su, Z. A reputation-based cooperative content delivery with parking vehicles in vehicular ad-hoc networks. Peer-to-Peer Netw. Appl. 14, 1531–1547 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12083-020-01064-4
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12083-020-01064-4