Minimally invasive surgeries reduce blood loss and quicker recovery times for patients compared to open surgeries. Equipped with high-definition 3D cameras, robotic surgical systems offer an enhanced visual perspective, empowering surgeons to make informed decisions and reduce damage to healthy tissues around the surgical site. At this juncture, emphasizing the importance of precise localization of surgical instruments in robotic-assisted surgeries is of utmost significance. The primary intention of this paper is to address the challenge of achieving accurate localization of surgical tools within registered tissue to establish clear marginal boundaries and prevent tissue tearing. So, surgeons can reduce the risk of human error with extremely precise and steady movements. In this paper, we proposed a binary segmentation model complemented with a customized U-Net architecture to ensure precise inference in surgical instrument segmentation. Additionally, the accuracy was enhanced through the incorporation of Red channel amplification and the Otsu thresholding approach. The effectiveness of our proposed Modified U-Net is validated through experiments conducted on both the publicly available surgical instrument segmentation dataset, MICCAI 2017 EndoVis Challenge (EndoVis2017), and Neuro surgical tools (NST) dataset consisting of both brain and spine tumor removal procedures. The results presented compelling evidence of the superior performance attained through the integration of the modified U-Net with Red channel amplification and Otsu thresholding with remarkable outcomes including 99.5% accuracy and a Dice score of 0.9846 in binary segmentation, 99.41% accuracy, and a Dice score of 0.9751 in part segmentation, and 99.35% accuracy and a Dice score of 0.9726 in type segmentation. We presented both quantitative and qualitative inference results for NST dataset samples. These results were obtained by leveraging a transfer learning approach, where the model was trained on the EndoVis2017 dataset using twelve training iterations. Inference results demonstrate that combining red channel amplification with Otsu thresholding significantly improves surgical instrument segmentation in the NST dataset.
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Data availability
Endovis 2017 Dataset is available at https://endovissub2017-roboticinstrumentsegmentation.grandchallenge.org NST Dataset is available at https://medicis.univ-rennes1.fr/software.
Code availability
The Code that support the research findings of this study are available upon request from the authors. NST Dataset is available at https://medicis.univ-rennes1.fr/software.
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Bakiya. K and S. Nickolas contributed to the study conception and design. Material preparation, data collection, and analysis were performed by Bakiya. K and S. Nickolas. The first draft of the manuscript was written by Bakiya. K and S. Nickolas commented on previous versions of the manuscript. Bakiya. K and S. Nickolas read and approved the final manuscript.
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Bakiya, K., Savarimuthu, N. Transfer learning for surgical instrument segmentation in open surgery videos: a modified u-net approach with channel amplification. SIViP 18, 8061–8076 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11760-024-03451-3
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11760-024-03451-3