We propose a parsimonious extension of the classical latent class model to cluster categorical data by relaxing the conditional independence assumption. Under this new mixture model, named conditional modes model (CMM), variables are grouped into conditionally independent blocks. Each block follows a parsimonious multinomial distribution where the few free parameters model the probabilities of the most likely levels, while the remaining probability mass is uniformly spread over the other levels of the block. Thus, when the conditional independence assumption holds, this model defines parsimonious versions of the standard latent class model. Moreover, when this assumption is violated, the proposed model brings out the main intra-class dependencies between variables, summarizing thus each class with relatively few characteristic levels. The model selection is carried out by an hybrid MCMC algorithm that does not require preliminary parameter estimation. Then, the maximum likelihood estimation is performed via an EM algorithm only for the best model. The model properties are illustrated on simulated data and on three real data sets by using the associated R package CoModes. The results show that this model allows to reduce biases involved by the conditional independence assumption while providing meaningful parameters.
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Appendix: Generic identifiability of CMM
When \(d\ge 3\), CMM is generically identifiable (i.e., the parameter space where the model is not identifiable has a Lebesgue measure equal to zero). The demonstration is based on results of Allman et al. (2009) which use the Kruskal theorem (Kruskal 1977, 1976). The demonstration is cut into three steps: reminder of the Kruskal results for the three-way tables, demonstration of the model generic identifiability when \(d=3\), then its extension when model has more than three blocks.
Kruskal results For a matrix M, the Kruskal rank of M, denoted by \(\text {rank}_K\; M\) is the largest number I such that every set of I rows of M are linearly independent.
Theorem 1
(Kruskal 1977, 1976). Let \(I_j=\text {rank}_K\; M_j\). If
then the tensor \([M_1, M_2, M_3]\) uniquely determines the \(M_j\), up to simultaneous permutation and rescaling rows.
Generic identifiability of CMM with three blocks Let \(k_0=\underset{k}{\text {argmin }} u_{kj}\) and the matrix \(M_j\) where
By denoting by \(\xi _j=\underset{k}{\min }\; u_{kj} +1\), generically, we have
Corollary 1
The parameters of CMM with three blocs are generically identifiable, up to label swapping, provided:
Generic identifiability of CMM with more than three blocks In the same way that Allman et al. (2009), we generalize the result with d blocks by observing that d blocks of categorical variables can be combined into three categorical variables. Thus, we can apply the Kruskal theorem.
Corollary 2
We consider a CMM with d blocks where \(d\ge 3\). If there exists a tri-partition of the set \(\{1,\ldots ,d\}\) into three disjoint non empty subsets \(S_1\), \(S_2\) and \(S_3\), such that \(\gamma _i=\prod _{j\in S_i}\xi _j\) with
then the model parameters are generically identifiable up to label swapping.
Approximation of \(I(u_{kj})\)
First, we define a new parametrization of the block distribution facilitating the integrated complete-data likelihood computation and the prior distribution related to this new block parametrization. Second, we underline the relationship between the embedded models. We conclude by the integrated complete-data likelihood computation, which is the target result.
1.1 New parametrization of the block distribution
Without loss of generality, we assume that the elements of \(\varvec{\delta }_{kj}\) are ordered by decreasing values of the probability mass associated to them and we introduce the new parametrization of \(\varvec{\alpha }_{kj}\) denoted by \(\varvec{\varepsilon }_{kj}=(\varepsilon _{kjh};h=1,\ldots ,u_{kj})\) where \(\varvec{\varepsilon }_{kj} \in \mathcal {E}_{kj}=\left[ \frac{1}{m_j};1\right] \times \ldots \times \left[ \frac{1}{\text {m}_j - u_{kj}};1\right] \) and where \(\varepsilon _{kjh}\) is defined by
Each \(\varepsilon _{kjh}\) follows a truncated beta distribution on the interval \(\left[ \frac{1}{\text {m}_j-h+1},1\right] \), so
The conditional probability of \(\mathbf x ^j=(\mathbf x _i^j;i=1,\ldots ,n)\) is
1.2 Relation between embedded models
Let the model with \(u_{kj}^{\ominus }\) modes and the parameters \((\varvec{\delta }_{kj}^{\star \ominus },\varvec{\varepsilon }_{kj}^{\ominus })\) and the model with \(u_{kj}\) modes and the parameters \((\varvec{\delta }^{\star }_{kj},\varvec{\varepsilon }_{kj})\) such as \(u_{kj}^{\ominus }=u_{kj}-1\) and such as the \(u_{kj}^{\ominus }\) modes having the largest probabilities have the same locations (\(\forall h\in \varvec{\delta }_{kj}^{\star \ominus },\; h\in \varvec{\delta }_{kj}^{\star }\)) and the same probability masses \((\varepsilon _{kjh}^{\ominus }=\varepsilon _{kjh},\; h<u_{kj})\). These embedded models follow this relation
1.3 Integrated complete-data likelihood
The integrated complete-data likelihood is finally approximated, by neglecting the sum over the discrete parameters of the modes locations and by performing the exact computation on the continuous parameters, by
If, for the model with \(u_{kj}-1\) modes, the best modes locations are known and given by \(\varvec{\delta }_{kj}^{\star \ominus }\) then the conditional probability of \(\mathbf x ^j\) for a model with \(u_{kj}\) modes is
where \(\Delta _{kj}=\{\varvec{\delta }_{kj}: \varvec{\delta }_{kj}^{\star \ominus } \subset \varvec{\delta }_{kj} \text { and } \text {card}(\varvec{\delta }_{kj})= u_{kj} \}\). Thus, by approximating this sum by its maximum element, we obtain that
As \(p(\mathbf x ^{j}|\mathbf z ,u_{kj}=0)=(m_j)^{-n_k}\), by applying recursively (26), we obtain that
\(\square \)
Details on the model sampling
The sampling of \((\varvec{s}^{[s+1]},\varvec{u}^{[s+1]})\) from (10) is performed in two steps. Firstly, a new repartition of the variables into blocks and the mode number of the modified blocks, respectively denoted by \( \varvec{s}^{[s+1]}\) and \(\varvec{u}^{[s+1/2]}\), are sampled by one iteration of a Metropolis-Hastings algorithm. Secondly, the mode number of each block is sampled by one MCMC iteration. Thus, the sampling of \(\varvec{m}^{[s+1]}\) is decomposed into the two following steps
Thus, this chain has \(p(\varvec{s},\varvec{u}|g,\mathbf x ,\mathbf z ^{[s+1]})\) as stationary distribution.
1.1 Metropolis-Hastings algorithm to sample from (31)
This sampling is performed by one iteration of the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm divided into two steps. Firstly, the proposal distribution \(q(.;\varvec{m}^{[s]})\) generates a candidate \(\varvec{m}^{\star }=(g,\varvec{s}^{\star },\varvec{u}^{\star })\). Secondly \(\varvec{m}^{[s+1]}\) is sampled according to the acceptance probability \(\mu ^{[s]}\) defined by
Note that the computation of \(\mu ^{[s]}\) involves to compute the integrated complete-data likelihood defined by (17). The sampling of \(\varvec{m}^{[s+1/2]}\) is written as
The proposal distribution \( q(.;\varvec{m}^{[s]})\) samples \(\varvec{m}^{\star }\) in two steps. The first step changes the block affectation of one variable. In practice, \(\varvec{s}^{\star }\) is uniformly sampled in \(V(\varvec{s}^{[s]})=\{\varvec{s}: \exists ! b \text { as } b\in \varvec{s}_j^{[s]} \text { and } b \notin \varvec{s}_j\}\). The second step uniformly samples the mode numbers among all its possible values for the modified blocks while \(u^{\star }_{kj}=u^{[s]}_{kj}\) for non-modified blocks (i.e., j as \(\varvec{s}_j^{[s]}=\varvec{s}_j^{\star }\)).
1.2 MCMC algorithm to sample \(\varvec{u}^{[s+1]}\)
This step allows to increase or decrease the mode number of each block by one at each iteration. So, \(u_{kj}^{[s+1]}\) is sampled according to \(p(u_{kj} | \varvec{m}^{[s+1/2]},\mathbf x ,\mathbf z ^{[s+1]})\) defined by
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Marbac, M., Biernacki, C. & Vandewalle, V. Latent class model with conditional dependency per modes to cluster categorical data. Adv Data Anal Classif 10, 183–207 (2016). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11634-016-0250-1
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11634-016-0250-1
- Categorical data
- Clustering
- Integrated complete-data likelihood
- MCMC algorithm
- Mixture models
- Model selection