The distinguished econometrician Ragnar Frisch (1895–1973) also played an important role in optimization theory. In fact, he was a pioneer of interior-point methods. This note reconsiders his contribution, relating it to history and modern developments.
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Many optimizers cite Frisch with an extra initial letter M—probably transmitted from the many papers or presentations in France of Monsieur Frisch [11] somewhat mysteriously cited Frisch, a misnomer which has propagated through citation trees.
After Frisch’s time, optimization has grown impressively, in theory and applications. But alas, it is now less emphasized in economists’ training.
See also [6].
Frisch, also a trained goldsmith and passionate bee-keeper (1952), was editor of Econometrica where the 1949 paper of Dantzig appeared.
The discrete nature of the simplex method has taken some hold. However, [5], Sect. 7.2, pages 156-160] also stressed its continuous nature, seen as a (reduced) gradient procedure.
For nice presentations of the Khachiyan and Karmarkar methods, as well as for historical remarks, see [41].
The logarithm also enters stochastic programming. There, constraints often come as reliability requirements-say, in the form \(\Pr \left\{ c(x)\ge \underline{c}\right\} \ge p>0\) where \(\underline{c}\) is a random vector. Then, it’s very convenient if that vector has log-concave distribution, to the effect that \(\ln \Pr \left\{ c(x)\ge \underline{c}\right\} \) becomes concave; see [39].
Henceforth, to assist economic intuition, the symbol \(*\) signals a price transform or variable.
Sonnevend [43] first proposed these specially for linear programs.
The editor of a conservative Oslo magazine felt compelled to inform Frisch, who had socialist inclinations, that there were competing concepts of freedom.
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Bjerkholt, O., Flåm, S.D. Ragnar Frisch and interior-point methods. Optim Lett 9, 1053–1061 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11590-014-0807-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11590-014-0807-x