Digital communication based on the conversion of data which only possible through digital conversion techniques. From the last couple of years, many digital conversion schemes have been introduced in the field of communication. All designed approaches convert data bits into a signal using various line code waveforms. This type of conversion has various kinds of issues such as synchronization between sender and receivers, bandwidth utilization, direct current components and power spectrum density (PSD) that need the attention of researchers. Although all these issues need a proper solution, PSD is a major concern in digital communication. This paper presents a newly designed scheme with the name of Shadow Encoding Scheme (SES) to transmit data bits efficiently by using physical waveform. SES provides a reliable transmission over the physical medium without using extra bandwidth and ideal power spectrum density (PSD) with the help of a shadow copy of the same bitstream which is being transmitted previously over the network. The SES is validated by mathematical equations which are used to calculate PSD and MATLAB simulator is used to simulate SES. The proposed SES is compared with other state-of-the-art line code techniques. The results show that SES performed well in PSD and bandwidth utilization as compared to other benchmark techniques. The coordinates of PSD are also presented in a tabular form which shows a vivid picture of the working condition of various line codes.

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Ali, T., Razwan, A.R., Baig, I. et al. Efficient Shadow Encoding Scheme Towards Power Spectrum Density in Digital Network Communication. Wireless Pers Commun 119, 3179–3206 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-021-08393-4
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-021-08393-4