Analytical hierarchy process (AHP) is one of the pairwise comparison, attributes weight calculation approach of multiple attribute decision making aid to select the candidate network for seamless handoff in an overlay heterogeneous network. The main challenging issue in AHP is manually computing the reciprocal matrix results in an inconsistency indicated by the consistency ratio >0.1. This paper proposes a simplified and improved AHP (SI-AHP), which accepts the perceived one-dimensional linguistic values of the attributes from the decision maker. Further, SI-AHP is used to automatically compute the reciprocal matrix for the attribute weights calculation with the minimum involvement of the decision maker resulting in reduced computational time and improved consistency. The consistency ratio of SI-AHP is further improved by deriving the reciprocal matrix of pairwise comparison of any one of the attribute to others. Using the MATLAB simulations, the proposed SI-AHP is evaluated for the consistency ratio of voice and download traffic and also for 78,125 different combinations of one-dimensional linguistic values of the attributes. SI-AHP’s weight calculated for the decision attributes is used in the multiple attribute decision making approach for selecting the candidate network in an overlay heterogeneous network.

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Chandavarkar, B.R., Guddeti, R.M.R. Simplified and Improved Analytical Hierarchy Process Aid for Selecting Candidate Network in an Overlay Heterogeneous Networks. Wireless Pers Commun 83, 2593–2606 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-015-2557-1
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-015-2557-1