The explosive growth of wireless data traffic not only challenges the design and evolution of the wireless network architecture, but also brings profound impacts on the quality of service and the quality of experience. As an appealing way to solve the low capacity of user equipment and high latency of network connection, wireless edge caching has attracted great attention of academia and industry recently. In wireless edge caching, popular content can be cached in the base stations or wireless access points (APs) or other devices closer to users. By taking advantage of this feature, devices in wireless edge caching are able to cache popular content that may be duplicated requested and still maintain the quality of services they shall provide. Therefore, with aim to minimum the content fetching delay and increase network throughput in the wireless network, we lucubrated the wireless edge caching in this paper. Firstly, we built a classical wireless APs caching model, then jointly considered the size and popularity of content and introduced an objective function, evaluating the content popularity on this basis to guarantee the global cache hit rate. Moreover, we used 0–1 knapsack problem dynamic programming to maximize the local cache hit rate of wireless AP. Finally, we statistically analyzed on real data traces to find some significant discoveries and analyzed the performance of 0–1 knapsack dynamic programming.

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This research was supported by the Foundation of Henan Educational Committee—Henan Provincial Higher Education Key Research Project Plan under Grants 17A520008.
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Ren, J., Hou, T., Wang, H. et al. Increasing network throughput based on dynamic caching policy at wireless access points. Wireless Netw 26, 1577–1585 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11276-019-02125-0
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11276-019-02125-0