Network architecture based on opportunistic Delay Tolerant Network (DTN) is best applicable for post-disaster scenarios, where the controlling point of relief work is any fixed point like a local school building or a hospital, whose location is known to everyone. In this work, 4-tier network architecture for post-disaster relief and situation analysis is proposed. The disaster struck area has been divided into clusters known as Shelter Points (SP). The architecture consists of mobile Relief Workers (RW) at tier 1, Throw boxes (TB) at tier 2 placed at fixed locations within SPs. Data Mules (DM) like vehicles, boats, etc. operate at tier 3 that provide inter-SP connectivity. Master Control Station (MCS) is placed at tier 4. The RWs are provided with smart-phones that act as mobile nodes. The mobile nodes collect information from the disaster incident area and send that information to the TB of its SP, using DTN as the communication technology. The messages are then forwarded to the MCS via the DMs. Based on this architecture, a novel DTN routing protocol is proposed. The routing strategy works by tracking recent direction of movement of mobile nodes by measuring their consecutive distances from the destination at two different instants. If any node moves away from the destination, then it is very unlikely to carry its messages towards the destination. For a node, the fittest node among all its neighbours is selected as the next hop. The fittest node is selected using parameters like past history of successful delivery and delivery latency, current direction of movement and node’s recent proximity to the destination. Issues related to routing such as fitness of a node for message delivery, buffer management, packet drop and node energy have been considered. The routing protocol has been implemented in the Opportunistic Networks Environment (ONE) simulator with customized mobility models. It is compared with existing standard DTN routing protocols for efficiency. It is found to reduce message delivery latency and improve message delivery ratio by incurring a small overhead .

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This research work is an outcome of the Government of India Project titled DiSARM funded by Information Technology Research Academy, Media Lab. Asia, Department of Electronics & Information Technology, Ministry of Communications and Information Technology.
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Gupta, A.K., Bhattacharya, I., Banerjee, P.S. et al. DirMove: direction of movement based routing in DTN architecture for post-disaster scenario. Wireless Netw 22, 723–740 (2016). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11276-015-0994-0
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11276-015-0994-0