Recently, learning-based multi-view stereo methods have achieved promising results. However, most of them overlook the visibility difference among different views, which leads to an indiscriminate multi-view similarity definition and greatly limits their performance on datasets with strong viewpoint variations. To deal with this problem, a pixelwise visibility-aware multi-view stereo network is proposed for robust dense 3D reconstruction. We present a pixelwise visibility estimation network to learn the visibility information for different neighboring images before computing the multi-view similarity, and then construct an adaptive weighted cost volume with the visibility information. Unlike previous methods that treat multi-view depth inference as a depth regression problem or an inverse depth classification problem, we recast multi-view depth inference as an inverse depth regression task. This allows our network to achieve sub-pixel estimation and be applicable to large-scale scenes. To achieve scalable high-resolution depth map estimation, we construct cost volumes by group-wise correlation and design an ordinal-based uncertainty estimation to progressively refine depth maps. Through extensive experiments on DTU dataset, Tanks and Temples dataset and ETH3D benchmark, we show that our method generalizes well to various datasets and achieves promising results, demonstrating its superior performance on robust dense 3D reconstruction.
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This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grants 62176096 and 61991412.
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Xu, Q., Su, W., Qi, Y. et al. Learning Inverse Depth Regression for Pixelwise Visibility-Aware Multi-View Stereo Networks. Int J Comput Vis 130, 2040–2059 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11263-022-01628-2
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11263-022-01628-2