Computation requirements in scientific fields are getting heavier and heavier. The advent of clustering systems provides an affordable alternative to expensive conventional supercomputers. However, parallel programming is not easy for noncomputer scientists to do. We developed the Directive-Based MPI Code Generator (DMCG) that transforms C program codes from sequential form to parallel message-passing form. We also introduce a loop scheduling method for load balancing that depends on a message-passing analyzer, and is easy and straightforward to use. This approach provides a completely different view of loop parallelism from that in the literature, which relies on dependence abstractions. Experimental results show our approach can achieve efficient outcomes, and DMCG could be a general-purpose tool to help parallel programming beginners construct programs quickly and port existing sequential programs to PC Clusters.
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Yang, CT., Lai, KC. A directive-based MPI code generator for Linux PC clusters. J Supercomput 50, 177–207 (2009). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11227-008-0258-1
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11227-008-0258-1