Inverse problems with spatiotemporal observations are ubiquitous in scientific studies and engineering applications. In these spatiotemporal inverse problems, observed multivariate time series are used to infer parameters of physical or biological interests. Traditional solutions for these problems often ignore the spatial or temporal correlations in the data (static model), or simply model the data summarized over time (time-averaged model). In either case, the data information that contains the spatiotemporal interactions is not fully utilized for parameter learning, which leads to insufficient modeling in these problems. In this paper, we apply Bayesian models based on spatiotemporal Gaussian processess (STGP) to inverse problems with spatiotemporal data and show that the spatial and temporal information provides more effective parameter estimation and uncertainty quantification (UQ). We demonstrate the merit of Bayesian spatiotemporal modeling for inverse problems compared with traditional static and time-averaged approaches using a time-dependent advection–diffusion partial different equation (PDE) and three chaotic ordinary differential equations (ODE). We also provide theoretic justification for the superiority of spatiotemporal modeling to fit the trajectories even if it appears cumbersome (e.g. for chaotic dynamics).
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SL is supported by NSF grant DMS-2134256.
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Appendix A Proofs
(3.1) If we set the maximal eigenvalues of \(\textbf{C}_\textbf{x}\) and \(\textbf{C}_t\) such that \(\lambda _{\max }(\textbf{C}_\textbf{x})\lambda _{\max }(\textbf{C}_t)\le \sigma ^2_\epsilon \), then the following inequality holds regarding the Fisher information matrices, \({{\mathcal {I}}}_\text {\tiny S}\) and \({{\mathcal {I}}}_\text {\tiny ST}\), of the static model and the STGP model respectively:
If we control the maximal eigenvalues of \(\textbf{C}_\textbf{x}\) and \(\textbf{C}_t\) such that \(\lambda _{\max }(\textbf{C}_\textbf{x})\lambda _{\max }(\textbf{C}_t)\le J\lambda _{\min }(\Gamma _\text {obs})\), then the following inequality holds regarding the Fisher information matrices, \({{\mathcal {I}}}_\text {\tiny T}\) and \({{\mathcal {I}}}_\text {\tiny ST}\), of the time-averaged model and the STGP model respectively:
Denote \(\textbf{Y}_0=\textbf{Y}-\textbf{M}\). We have \(\Phi _*(u)=\frac{1}{2}\textrm{tr}\left[ \textbf{V}_*^{-1} {\textbf{Y}}^{{\textsf{T}}}_0 \textbf{U}_*^{-1} \textbf{Y}_0\right] \) with \(*\) being S or ST. \(\textbf{U}_\text {\tiny S}\), \(\textbf{V}_\text {\tiny S}\), \(\textbf{U}_\text {\tiny ST}\) and \(\textbf{V}_\text {\tiny ST}\) are specified in (16). We notice that both \(\textbf{U}_*\) and \(\textbf{V}_*\) are symmetric, then we have
Due to the i.i.d. assumption in both models, \(\textbf{Y}_0\) is independent of either \(\frac{\partial \textbf{Y}_0}{\partial u_i}\) or \(\frac{\partial ^2 \textbf{Y}_0}{\partial u_i \partial u_j}\). Therefore
For any \(\textbf{w}=(w_1,\ldots ,w_p)\in {{\mathbb {R}}}^p\) and \(\textbf{w}\ne \textbf{0}\), denote \({{\tilde{\textbf{w}}}}:= \sum _{i=1}^p w_i \textrm{vec}\left( \frac{\partial \textbf{Y}_0}{\partial u_i}\right) \). To prove \({{\mathcal {I}}}_\text {\tiny ST}(u) \ge {{\mathcal {I}}}_\text {\tiny S}(u)\), it suffices to show \({\tilde{\textbf{w}}}^{{\textsf{T}}}(\textbf{V}_\text {\tiny ST} \otimes \textbf{U}_\text {\tiny ST})^{-1} {{\tilde{\textbf{w}}}} \ge {{{\tilde{\textbf{w}}}}}^{{\textsf{T}}}(\textbf{V}_\text {\tiny S} \otimes \textbf{U}_\text {\tiny S})^{-1} {{\tilde{\textbf{w}}}}\).
By [Theorem 4.2.12 in Horn and Johnson (1991)], we know that any eigenvalue of \(\textbf{V}_* \otimes \textbf{U}_*\) has the format as a product of eigenvalues of \(\textbf{V}_*\) and \(\textbf{U}_*\) respectively, i.e. \(\lambda _k(\textbf{V}_* \otimes \textbf{U}_*) = \lambda _i(\textbf{V}_*)\lambda _j(\textbf{U}_*)\), where where \(\{\lambda _j(M)\}\) are the ordered eigenvalues of M, i.e. \(\lambda _1(M)\ge \cdots \ge \lambda _d(M)\). By the given condition we have
Thus it completes the proof of the first inequality.
Similarly by the second condition, we have
and complete the proof of the second inequality. \(\square \)
(3.2) If we choose \(\textbf{C}_\textbf{x}=\Gamma _\text {obs}\) and require the maximal eigenvalue of \(\textbf{C}_t\), \(\lambda _{\max }(\textbf{C}_t)\le J\), then the following inequality holds regarding the Fisher information matrices, \({{\mathcal {I}}}_\text {\tiny T}\) and \({{\mathcal {I}}}_\text {\tiny ST}\), of the time-averaged model and the STGP model respectively:
Denote \(\textbf{Y}_0=\textbf{Y}-\textbf{M}\). We have \(\Phi _*(u)=\frac{1}{2}\textrm{tr}\left[ \textbf{V}_*^{-1} {\textbf{Y}}^{{\textsf{T}}}_0 \textbf{U}_*^{-1} \textbf{Y}_0\right] \) with \(*\) being T or ST. \(\textbf{U}_\text {\tiny T}\), \(\textbf{V}_\text {\tiny T}\), \(\textbf{U}_\text {\tiny ST}\) and \(\textbf{V}_\text {\tiny ST}\) are specified in (16).
By the similar argument of the proof in Theorem 3.1, we have
For any \(\textbf{w}=(w_1,\ldots ,w_p)\in {{\mathbb {R}}}^p\) and \(\textbf{w}\ne \textbf{0}\), denote \(\textbf{W}:= \sum _{i,j=1}^p w_i \textrm{E}\left( \frac{\partial {\textbf{Y}}^{{\textsf{T}}}_0}{\partial u_i} \textbf{U}_*^{-1}\frac{\partial \textbf{Y}_0}{\partial u_j} \right) w_j\). We know \(\textbf{W}\ge \textbf{0}_{J\times J}\). It suffices to show \(\textrm{tr}[\textbf{V}_\text {\tiny ST}^{-1}\textbf{W}]\ge \textrm{tr}[\textbf{V}_\text {\tiny T}^{-1}\textbf{W}]\).
By the corollary (Marshall et al. 2011) of Von Neumann’s trace inequality (Mirsky 1975), we have
where \(\{\lambda _j(M)\}\) are the ordered eigenvalues of M, i.e. \(\lambda _1(M)\ge \cdots \ge \lambda _d(M)\). The only non-zero eigenvalue of \(\textbf{V}_{\tiny T}^-=J^{-2} (\varvec{{1}}_J {\varvec{{1}}}^{{\textsf{T}}}_J)\) is \(\lambda _1(\textbf{V}_{\tiny T}^-)=J^{-1}\). Therefore, we have
where \(\lambda _J(\textbf{V}_\text {\tiny ST}^{-1}) = \lambda _1^{-1}(\textbf{C}_t)\ge J^{-1}\) and \(\lambda _j(\textbf{V}_\text {\tiny ST}^{-1}), \lambda _j(\textbf{W})\ge 0\). \(\square \)
Appendix B More numerical results
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Lan, S., Li, S. & Pasha, M. Bayesian spatiotemporal modeling for inverse problems. Stat Comput 33, 89 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11222-023-10253-z
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11222-023-10253-z