A scientometric analysis of funded scientometric and bibliometric research from 2011 to 2021 is presented in this paper. Using Web of Science, we analyzed 2810 domain-relevant papers (DRP) and 1040 methodologically relevant papers (MRP). A number of standard scientometric parameters have been examined in the study, including the relative growth rate (RGR), the doubling time (DT), the activity index (AI), the average citations per paper (ACCP), and the h-index. This study provides a comprehensive analysis of the parameters associated with the most productive funding agencies, international country collaboration patterns, top journals, most productive institutions, trends in the field, as well as emerging themes. In this paper, we analyze scientometric and bibliometric research funding by nature of study, which is the first study of its kind.

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Verma, M.K., Khan, D. & Yuvaraj, M. Scientometric assessment of funded scientometrics and bibliometrics research (2011–2021). Scientometrics 128, 4305–4320 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11192-023-04767-6
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11192-023-04767-6