Models of science address statistical properties and mechanisms of science. From the perspective of scholarly information retrieval (IR) science models may provide some potential to improve retrieval quality when operationalized as specific search strategies or used for rankings. From the science modeling perspective, on the other hand, scholarly IR can play the role of a validation model of science models. The paper studies the applicability and usefulness of two particular science models for re-ranking search results (Bradfordizing and author centrality). The paper provides a preliminary evaluation study that demonstrates the benefits of using science model driven ranking techniques, but also how different the quality of search results can be if different conceptualizations of science are used for ranking.

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Instead of addressing just local features such as citation counts of papers or author productivity.
ISSNs are stable identifiers for journals.
Actually, co-authorships are computed during indexing time in advance and are retrieved by the system via particular facets added to the user’s query.
To reduce computation effort pure single-authors are not added to the graph.
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We thank Philipp Schaer and Thomas Lüke who were the main developers and our co-investigators in the IRM projects. This work was funded by DFG, Grant No. INST 658/6-1 and SU 647/5-2.
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Mutschke, P., Mayr, P. Science models for search: a study on combining scholarly information retrieval and scientometrics. Scientometrics 102, 2323–2345 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11192-014-1485-2
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11192-014-1485-2