Bibliometric studies often measure and compare scholarly performance, but they rarely investigate why universities, departments, and research groups do have different performance. In this paper we try to explain differences in scholarly performance of research groups in terms of organizational variables. In order to do this, we extensively review the relevant literature, and develop a model using two theoretical approaches. A multivariate analysis shows which of the independent variables do play a role in the various scholarly performance dimensions. The study shows what organizational strategies may help in optimizing performance in various dimensions. Implications are discussed.

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In this paper we restrict ourselves to the management and leadership factors that influence scholarly performance of research teams. We do not discuss other dimensions of performance, such as teaching performance, or societal outcomes. The general term ‘performance’ is used synonym for ‘scholarly performance’.
Non-response analysis shows that the respondents can be regarded as a representative sample of the Dutch biomedical and health research groups. The respondents were evenly distributed among the various research institutions and the sub-disciplines. Performance levels between respondents and non-respondents did not significantly differ.
Conference visit, stay abroad, courses. Cronbach’s Alpha = 0.65.
Meetings to discuss projects ideas; research proposals; new literature; draft papers) Cronbach’s Alpha = 0.7.
Relating to different roles in the team: intensively participating in research, source of knowledge, generating new ideas, more researcher than manager, etc. Cronbach’s Alpha = 0.8.
Up to date with the developments in the field; up to date with literature. Cronbach’s Alpha = 0.76.
For productivity and quality, the scores were multiplied by 100 to get count data (integers).
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Verbree, M., Horlings, E., Groenewegen, P. et al. Organizational factors influencing scholarly performance: a multivariate study of biomedical research groups. Scientometrics 102, 25–49 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11192-014-1437-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11192-014-1437-x