We propose algorithms to take point sets for kernel-based interpolation of functions in reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces (RKHSs) by convex optimization. We consider the case of kernels with the Mercer expansion and propose an algorithm by deriving a second-order cone programming (SOCP) problem that yields n points at one sitting for a given integer n. In addition, by modifying the SOCP problem slightly, we propose another sequential algorithm that adds an arbitrary number of new points in each step. Numerical experiments show that in several cases the proposed algorithms compete with the P-greedy algorithm, which is known to provide nearly optimal points.
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If K is translation-invariant, we can choose a starting point x1 arbitrarily.
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The author thanks Takanori Maehara for his valuable comment about the MATLAB programs used in the numerical experiments. Thanks to the comment, much faster execution of the proposed algorithms has been realized than that in the initially submitted version of this article. Furthermore, the author gives thanks to the anonymous reviewers for their valuable suggestions about this article.
The author is supported by the grant-in-aid of Japan Society of the Promotion of Science with KAKENHI Grant Number 17K14241.
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Appendix. Remarks on implementation of SOCP (4.6) by MOSEK
Appendix. Remarks on implementation of SOCP (4.6) by MOSEK
As a software to solve SOCP problems, we use the MOSEK Optimization Toolbox for MATLAB, which is provided by MOSEK ApS in Denmark (https://www.mosek.com/, last accessed on 19 October 2018).
1.1.1 Expression of rotated second-order cones
Recall that \(p = \lceil \log _{2} \ell \rceil \). In SOCP (4.6) in which ℓ is even, we need to consider the rotated second-order cone constraints
Furthermore, in the counterpart in which ℓ is odd, we need to consider the constraints
However, MOSEK permits only the expression \({\eta _{1}^{2}} + {\cdots } + {\eta _{N}^{2}} \leq 2 \xi \zeta \) for a rotated second-order cone, where we just need the case that N = 1. Therefore, we employ the following variable transformations:
We do not change ui because of the following reason. If we change the constraints \({u_{i}^{2}} \leq u_{2i} u_{2i+1}\) to \({u_{i}^{2}} \leq 2 u_{2i} u_{2i+1}\), they just change the optimal value by \(2^{(p-1)2^{p-1}}\) times.Footnote 5 Consequently, we deal with the SOCP problem
in the case that ℓ is even, and
in the case that ℓ is odd.
1.1.2 Restriction about cone constraints
MOSEK does not permit that a variable belongs to plural cones. However, we need to consider the cone constraints in (5.16) and (5.17) in which each ui appears 2 times and each \(\hat {w}_{i}\) appears ℓ times. Therefore, we prepare the copies of these variables:
and set the linear constraints between these variables:
Then, we introduce a vector
1.2 Linear constraints
To describe the linear constraints in (5.16) and (5.17) in terms of the vector v, we provide a matrix A and vectors bl and bu that express the constraints as bl ≤ Av ≤ bu.
We begin with the case that ℓ is even. First, we express the constraints in (5.18) and (5.19) by
respectively. Next, we consider the constraint
By using v and the expression
we express the linear constraint as follows:
Next, we express the constraint \(\hat {w}_{1\ell } + {\cdots } + \hat {w}_{m\ell } = n/2\) by
Next, we express the inequality constraints
Finally, we consider the constraints
which are equivalent to the linear constraints ui ≤ u1 owing to the non-negative constraints ui ≥ 0. These constraints are expressed by
Consequently, by setting
we can express the linear constraints as bl ≤ Av ≤ bu.
In the case that ℓ is odd, we need to modify A3, A5, A6, bl, and bu. We replace the component “\(-~\sqrt {2}\)” in the last rows of A3 and A5 by “− 2”. Furthermore, we modify A6, bl, and bu as
1.3 Constraints for the ranges of the variables
Besides the constraints ui ≥ 0 and \(0 \leq \hat {w}_{j} \leq 1/2\) in (5.16) and (5.17), we can add \(\hat {g}_{i} \geq 0\) and tij ≥ 0 because any solution that does not satisfy these constraints is useless. Therefore, by using the vectors given by
we can express the constraints for the ranges of the variables as \(\tilde {b}_{\mathrm {l}} \leq v \leq \tilde {b}_{\mathrm {u}}\).
1.4 Cone constraints
To express the cone constraints in (5.16) and (5.17) by MOSEK, we need to specify the components of the vector v that correspond to the constraints. For the constraints
we take the components v2i, v2(2i)− 1, and v2(2i+ 1)− 1 for ui, u2i, and u2i+ 1, respectively. For the constraints
we take the components v2i, \(v_{2^{p} + 2i - 1}\), and \(v_{2^{p} + 2i}\) for ui, \(\hat {g}_{2i - 2^{p} + 1}\), and \(\hat {g}_{2i - 2^{p} + 2}\), respectively. In the case that ℓ is odd, we take the components \(v_{2^{p} + \ell - 1}\), \(v_{2(2^{p} -1) + \ell }\), and v1 for the constraint \(u_{2^{p-1} + (\ell -1)/2}^{2} \leq 2 \hat {g}_{\ell } u_{1}\). Finally, for the constraints
we take the components \(v_{2(2^{p}-1) + \ell + ij}\), \(v_{2(2^{p}-1) + \ell + ij + m\ell }\), and \(v_{2(2^{p}-1) + \ell + ij + 2m\ell }\).
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Tanaka, K. Generation of point sets by convex optimization for interpolation in reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces. Numer Algor 84, 1049–1079 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11075-019-00792-w
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11075-019-00792-w
- Reproducing kernel Hilbert space
- Kernel interpolation
- Point set
- Power function
- Optimal design
- Second-order cone programming