Landslide plays an important role in landscape evolution, delivers huge amounts of sediment to rivers and seriously affects the structure and function of ecosystems and society. Here, a statistical analysis together with a field investigation was carried out on the Loess Plateau of China to address the challenges. The study tracks landslide-related deaths and collects knowledge about this natural hazard. Since the 1980s, 53 fatal landslides have occurred, causing 717 deaths. As the most important trigger, rainfall induced 40% of the catastrophic landslides, while other factors, i.e., human activities, freeze–thaw and earthquake, accounted for 36, 23 and 1%, respectively. Furthermore, landslide frequency and death toll related to human activities were increasing as time went on. Landslide also plays an important role in sediment delivery, especially in areas with steep terrain. Sediment discharge from landslides accounts for a considerable proportion of the total soil loss in the upper and middle reaches of the Yellow River. In some catchments of the Loess Plateau, landslides contributed over 50% of the total sediment discharge. The result shows that landslide is a widespread geologic hazard in the rural area of the Loess Plateau, China.

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This study is supported by the Program for Excellent Talents in the Universities of Liaoning Province (LR2015015), National Key R & D Project (2016YFC0402504), the Open Research Fund of the State Key Laboratory of Soil Erosion and Dryland Farming on the Loess Plateau (A314021402-1609) and the National Natural Science Foundations of China (51479022; 41571275).
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Xu, XZ., Guo, WZ., Liu, YK. et al. Landslides on the Loess Plateau of China: a latest statistics together with a close look. Nat Hazards 86, 1393–1403 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11069-016-2738-6
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11069-016-2738-6