In recent years, deep learning-based methods for remote sensing image dehazing have achieved remarkable progress, especially with the incorporation of attention mechanisms to enhance feature learning. However, the channel attention method uses global average pooling to aggregate feature information, which makes it sensitive to specific points of influence. In particular, remote sensing images are captured in a wide range, and are more likely to have special points such as abrupt color changes and confusing landscapes within the images. This paper proposes a dynamic feature attention network (DFA-Net) that includes a dynamic channel module and a pixel attention module to address this challenge. The dynamic channel attention module adds a network branche to learn the weight of spatial information and dynamically aggregates features to reduce the influence from outliers such as color mutations and improve the defogging effect. The pixel attention module is also added to learn the importance of different pixels and enhance the feature extraction capability. Experiments on several datasets have shown that DFA-Net is suitable for remote sensing image dehazing in various scenes, and has achieved the best dehazing performance.

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Yang Hao, Wenzong Jiang, and Baodi Liu wrote the main manuscript parts. Weifeng Liu and Weijia Cao made comments and changes. All authors reviewed the manuscript.
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Hao, Y., Jiang, W., Liu, W. et al. Dynamic Feature Attention Network for Remote Sensing Image Dehazing. Neural Process Lett 55, 8081–8094 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11063-023-11301-5
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11063-023-11301-5