A new fusion method based on Multi-Focus Image Fusion Based on Discrete Wavelet Transform with Deep Convolutional Neural Network (MFIF-DWT-CNN) is presented to reduce spatial artifacts and blurring effects in edge details and increase the robustness of multifocal image fusion. The main purpose of the MFIF-DWT-CNN approach is to create a new merged image by collecting the required features from the main image. With the MFIF-DWT-CNN approach, information focused on individual images is combined into a single image, resulting in a clearer image. Within the scope of MFIF-DWT-CNN approach, DWT is applied to the image pairs and the obtained images are then given to the CNN architecture. The MFIF-DWT-CNN approach was developed in this study to reduce spatial artifacts and blurring effects in edge details and to increase the robustness of multifocal image fusion. In order to evaluate our proposed MFIF-DWT-CNN method, QMI, QG, QYi QCB evaluations were made on the public data set. From the experimental results, it is seen that the proposed method gives better results in the relevant metrics than the other methods. This demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed method.
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Avcı, D., Sert, E., Özyurt, F. et al. MFIF-DWT-CNN: Multi-focus ımage fusion based on discrete wavelet transform with deep convolutional neural network. Multimed Tools Appl 83, 10951–10968 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-023-16074-6
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-023-16074-6