In information security, image encryption is widely used to protect private information. However, most encryption algorithms encrypt the whole image without considering the different importance of different regions in an image, which leads to inefficiency and waste of computational power. This paper proposes a novel two-stage chaotic encryption algorithm for color face image based on circular diffusion cryptosystem. First, CenterFace is used to extract the face region in the plain image. Then the face region is dislocated, diffused and permuted using chaotic sequences generated by a two-stage plaintext-related chaotic system. The encrypted face region and the non-face areas are then merged. Finally, the face position is embedded into the cipher image using digital watermarking technology. Selective encryption of face regions allows the method to have high efficiency and real-time performance. The experimental results show that the number of pixels change rate and the unified average changing intensity are 99.6084% and 33.4687% respectively, and the information entropy of the cipher image reaches 7.9972. Besides, security analyses indicate that our proposed encryption algorithm has strong resistance to various attacks.

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This work is supported by Key-Area Research and Development Program of Guangdong Province under the grant (2018B010108001), GuangDong Basic and Applied Basic Research Foundation under grant (2022A1515110119) and Science and Technology Plan Project of Jiangmen (2020030103080008999).
This study was funded by Key-Area Research and Development Program of Guangdong Province under the grant (2018B010108001), GuangDong Basic and Applied Basic Research Foundation under grant (2022A1515110119) and Science and Technology Plan Project of Jiangmen (2020030103080008999).
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Formal analysis, Jinwei Yu and Wei Xie; investigation, Jinwei Yu and Xiaoyuan Yu; methodology, Jinwei Yu; software, Jinwei Yu and Xiaoyuan Yu; writing, Jinwei Yu; review and editing, Jinwei Yu, Langwen Zhang and Xiaoyuan Yu.
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Yu, J., Yu, X., Zhang, L. et al. A two-stage chaotic encryption algorithm for color face image based on circular diffusion. Multimed Tools Appl 82, 40009–40038 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-023-14804-4
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-023-14804-4