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Road object detection: a comparative study of deep learning-based algorithms

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Deep learning field has progressed the vision-based surround perception and has become the most trending area in the field of Intelligent Transportation System (ITS). Many deep learning-based algorithms using two-dimensional images have become an essential tool for autonomous vehicles with object detection, tracking, and segmentation for road target detection, primarily including pedestrians, vehicles, traffic lights, and traffic signs. Autonomous vehicles rely heavily on visual data to classify and generalize target objects which can satisfy pedestrians’ and other vehicles’ safety requirements in their environment. In real-time, outstanding results are obtained by deep learning-based algorithms for object detection. While several studies have thoroughly examined different types of deep learning-based object detection methods, there are a few comparable studies that either test the detection speed or accuracy of the object detection algorithms. In addition to speed and accuracy, autonomous driving also depends on model size and energy efficiency. However, there is a lack of comparison on various such metrics among existing deep learning-based methods. This article aims to provide a detailed and systematic comparative analysis of five independent mainstream deep learning-based algorithms for road object detection, namely the R-FCN, Mask R-CNN, SSD, RetinaNet, and YOLOv4 on a large-scale Berkeley DeepDrive (BDD100K) dataset. The experimental results are analyzed using the mean Average Precision (mAP) value and inference time. Additionally, various practical metrics, such as model size, computational complexity, and energy efficiency of deep learning-based models are precisely computed. Furthermore, the performance of each algorithm is evaluated under different road environmental conditions at various times of day and night. The comparison presented in this article helps to gain insight into the strengths and limitations of the popular deep learning-based algorithms under practical constraints with their real-time deployment feasibility. Code is publicly available at:

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As stated in the related works section of this article, there is some overlap with [53]. There are eight main differences between the proposed article and [53]. (1) This article compares up-to-date algorithms; for instance, Mask R-CNN [19] was released in early 2017, but the authors in [53] focused on Faster R-CNN [42]. (2) Additionally, this article considers four primary classes for road object detection, namely pedestrians, vehicles, traffic signs, and traffic lights on a diverse large-scale BDD100K dataset [57]. In contrast, [53] considered only a single class, namely vehicles on a small dataset. (3) In addition to basic augmentation methods, unlike [53], this article applies Mosaic data augmentation [27] during training of each model. (4) This article computes inference time and speed on CPU and GPU, while [53] evaluated frame per second. (5) Moreover, this article provides a detailed comparison on various practical metrics, such as model size, memory footprint, and energy efficiency. In contrast, the authors in [53] do not provide any comparison on such metrics. (6) This article uses precise numerical representation for all metrics, including sensitivity, specificity, and computational complexity. In contrast, [53] provided subjective representation to sensitivity, specificity, and complexity. However, it is unclear what each level of indicator represents and how these metrics were evaluated in [53]. (7) Furthermore, this article computes generalization ability based on mAP values on different road weather scenarios at various times of day and night, whereas [53] provided subjective analysis on the generalization ability of models. (8) Lastly, unlike [53], this article provides a more in-depth and systematic analysis with supporting tables and figures.

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Mahaur, B., Singh, N. & Mishra, K.K. Road object detection: a comparative study of deep learning-based algorithms. Multimed Tools Appl 81, 14247–14282 (2022).

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