Some image encryption algorithms are difficult to resist the chosen-plaintext attack against special images, in order to solve this problem and improve the security of the algorithm, this paper proposes a novel image encryption scheme based on the chaotic system, random number embedding and DNA-level self-adaptive permutation and diffusion. The architecture of preprocessing, permutation and diffusion is adopted. Firstly, an image preprocessing based on random number embedding (IPRNE) is presented, specifically, embed random numbers into the plain image, and then perform partition XOR operation on random numbers and their surrounding pixels to preprocess plain image. The random numbers are generated by a 4D memristive hyperchaotic system, and their embedding positions are controlled by the pixel sums of plain images. Secondly, the obtained image is encoded into a DNA matrix by use of a DNA encoding rule, and then a DNA-level self-adaptive permutation and diffusion processes are successively performed on it. Further, after decoding the diffused matrix, the cipher image is obtained. Besides, the feature information of DNA sequences of plain image is applied for disturbing the permutation and diffusion phases, which may be extracted automatically in the decryption process, and thus additional transmission and storage are avoided. Moreover, the plain image information and hyperchaotic system are integrated to design the DNA encoding /decoding rule for the plain image and mask matrix, and this can enhance the ability of the algorithm to resist chosen-plaintext attack. Experimental results and security analyses demonstrate that the proposed encryption is secure and effective, and it can be applied for image secure communication.

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All the authors are deeply grateful to the editors for smooth and fast handling of the manuscript. The authors would also like to thank the anonymous referees for their valuable suggestions to improve the quality of this paper. This work is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 61802111, 61872125, 61871175), Science and Technology Foundation of Henan Province of China (Grant No. 182102210027, 182102410051, 212102210156), China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (Grant No. 2018 T110723, 2016 M602235), Key Scientific Research Projects for Colleges and Universities of Henan Province (Grant No. 19A413001).
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Wang, J., Zhi, X., Chai, X. et al. Chaos-based image encryption strategy based on random number embedding and DNA-level self-adaptive permutation and diffusion. Multimed Tools Appl 80, 16087–16122 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-020-10413-7
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-020-10413-7