Self-reported depressive experiences are common among university students. However, most studies assessing depression in university students are cross-sectional, limiting our understanding of when in the academic year risk for depression is greatest and when interventions may be most needed. We examined within-person change in depressive symptoms from September to April. Study 1 (N = 198; 57% female; 72% white; Mage = 18.4): Depressive symptoms rose from September, peaked in December, and fell across the second semester. The rise in depressive symptoms was associated with higher perceived stress in December. Study 2 (N = 267; 78.7% female; 67.87% white; Mage = 21.25): Depressive symptoms peaked in December and covaried within persons with perceived stress and academic demands. The results have implications for understanding when and for whom there is increased risk for depressive experiences among university students.
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Authors’ Contributions
All authors contributed to the development of the study concept. Study 1 design and data collection were the responsibility of N.L.G., A.L.H., and E.T.B. Study 2 design and data collection were the responsibility of E.T.B., A.L.H., and R.V.K. E.T.B. and A.L.H. performed the data analyses and drafted the Methods and Results sections. E.T.B. wrote the Introduction and Discussion sections. All co-authors provided critical revisions and approved the final version of the manuscript.
Study 1 was supported by a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada operating grant awarded to N.L.G. and J.L.M. Study 2 was supported by a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Insight Development Grant awarded to E.T.B. and A.L.H.
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Barker, E.T., Howard, A.L., Villemaire-Krajden, R. et al. The Rise and Fall of Depressive Symptoms and Academic Stress in Two Samples of University Students. J Youth Adolescence 47, 1252–1266 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10964-018-0822-9
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10964-018-0822-9