This work describes an approach to enhance container orchestration platforms with an autonomous and dynamic rescheduling system that aims at improving application service time by co-locating highly interdependent containers for network delay reduction. Unreasonable container consolidation may however lead to host CPU saturation, in turn impairing the service time. The multiobjective approach proposed in this work aims to improve application service-time by minimizing both inter-server network traffic and CPU throttling on overloaded servers. To this extent, the Simulated Annealing combinatorial optimization heuristic is used and compared on its relative performance towards the optimal solution obtained by Mathematical Programming. Additionally, the impact of the proposed system is validated on a Kubernetes cluster hosting three concurrent applications, and this under varying load scenarios. The proposed rescheduling system systematically i) improves the application service-time (up to 27.2% from our experiments) and ii) surpasses the improvement reached by the Kubernetes descheduler.
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The datasets used and analysed during the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.
The VRP generalizes the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) [11]
More advanced alternatives are presented in [15]
inspired by [16]
as ‘load1’ reports the average load for the last minute.
The intuition is that highly interacting containers spend more time in communication when placed across different nodes, thereby leading to a degradation in the observed response times.
Sysadmins usually define a more conservative value (typically around 0.7) to provide some headroom to the system.
each with a weight of 0.5.
A more detailed justification for the selection of this specific metha-heuristic is described in [10]. Note however that the model described in this work is (meta-) heuristic/algorithm agnostic; while SA provides satisfactory results, we do not pretend it to be the most efficient or effective technique. In fact, comparing all possible techniques is considered out-of-scope for this work.
50 containers on 5 servers.
See Table 1 for a complete description of the test environment specifications.
For the ‘M’ scenario (see Table 5), CPLEX crashes after 4.3h (out-of-memory on a 12GB RAM server). At this stage, it still reports a ‘Gap’ value of 25.81% in the minimalization of the ‘cntc’ function (first step of the algorithm required to compute the normalizing factor).
This suggests that the size of the search-space negatively influences the performance of the exploration phase with only little progress observed in the progressive transition to the exploitation phase.
This value has been empirically defined and can be adapted according to cluster specificity.
For scoping reasons, this work only considers hard constraints. The impact of soft constraints is considered as a candidate topic for future extensions of this work.
Under stable load, the control loop should eventually stop to adapt the system it controls by converging to an optimum.
Pixie is an open source observability tool for K8s applications that is contributed to by New Relic, Inc. as a CNCF sandbox project since June 2021 [51]. Pixie has been selected for its streamlined simplicity of integration, though any other network monitoring tool able to report on inter-pod network traffic can be used instead.
By design any other possible optimization algorithm/metaheuristic can be used as the New Context Generator component launches its execution through an algorithm agnostic interface.
See Table 1 for the test environment specifications.
Data isolation is internally ensured through the concept of scopes which represent logical data sets with configurable perimeter. A scope can be understood as a labelling mechanism aiming at isolating data between different contexts of use. Data access APIs for data ingestion, querying and streaming all require the scope to be mentioned.
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https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/descheduler - 17/11/2023.
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José Santos is funded by the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO), grant number 1299323N.
José Santos is funded by the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO), grant number 1299323N.
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Vincent Bracke substantially contributed to the conception and design of the work, to the acquisition, analysis and interpretation of data and to the creation of new software used in the work. He drafted the work and substantively revised it. José Santos and Tim Wauters substantially contributed to the analysis and interpretation of data. They substantively revised the work. Filip De Turck and Bruno Volckaert substantially contributed to the conception of the work, as well as to the analysis and interpretation of data. They drafted the work and substantively revised it. All authors have approved the submitted version.
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Bracke, V., Santos, J., Wauters, T. et al. A Multiobjective Metaheuristic-Based Container Consolidation Model for Cloud Application Performance Improvement. J Netw Syst Manage 32, 61 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10922-024-09835-7
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10922-024-09835-7