The development of Information Systems today faces the era of Big Data. Large volumes of information need to be processed in real-time, for example, for Facebook or Twitter analysis. This paper addresses the redesign of NewsAsset, a commercial product that helps journalists by providing services, which analyzes millions of media items from the social network in real-time. Technologies like Apache Storm can help enormously in this context. We have quantitatively analyzed the new design of NewsAsset to assess whether the introduction of Apache Storm can meet the demanding performance requirements of this media product. Our assessment approach, guided by the Unified Modeling Language (UML), takes advantage, for performance analysis, of the software designs already used for development. In addition, we converted UML into a domain-specific modeling language (DSML) for Apache Storm, thus creating a profile for Storm. Later, we transformed said DSML into an appropriate language for performance evaluation, specifically, stochastic Petri nets. The assessment ended with a successful software design that certainly met the scalability requirements of NewsAsset.

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This work has been supported by the European Commission under the H2020 Research and Innovation program [DICE, Grant Agreement No. 644869], the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness [ref. CyCriSecTIN201458457R], and the Aragon Government [ref. T21_17R, DIStributed COmputation (DISCO)]
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Appendix A: Transformation of a UML Design to a Performance Model
For evaluating performance metrics (utilization, throughput and response time), we need to transform the UML Apache Storm design into a performance model. We choose as target performance model Generalized Stochastic Petri Nets (see Appendix C). In the following, we recall the transformation patterns proposed in Requeno et al. (2017). Each pattern takes as input a part of the Storm design and produces a GSPN subnet.
1.1 A.1 Activity Diagram Transformation
Tables 9, 10 and 11 show the patterns for the activity and deployment diagrams. For each figure, the left hand side presents the input of the pattern, i.e., the UML model elements, possibly stereotyped with the Storm profile. The right hand side indicates the corresponding GSPN subnet. For an easier understanding of the transformation, we depicted: a) text in bold to match input and output elements; b) interfaces with other patterns as dotted grey elements, because they actually do not belong to the pattern.
Patterns P1 and P2 map spout and bolt tasks, respectively. Both spout and bolt subnets become structurally similar when the bolt subnet is merged with a P3–P5 pattern. The subnet consists of two places, a timed transition, an immediate transition, and a set of arcs. Places \(p_{A1}\) and \(p_{A2}\) represent, respectively, the idle state and the processing state of incoming messages. The place \(p_{A1}\) is marked with as many tokens as the parallelism tagged-value associated to the task denotes ($n0). The rate of the timed transition is equal to either the emission rate ($rate) of the spout or the inverse of the host demand of the bolt (1/ $time). The timed transitions have an infinite server semantics because the production of tuples is already constrained by the number of available threads (tokens) defined by the parallelism. The immediate transition in the spout subnet does not have source places because it models the continuous arrival of new messages.
Patterns P3, P4 and P5 map the reception of a stream of tuples by a bolt. In P3 the source of the stream is only one task, whereas in P4 and P5 there are multiple sources. In particular, the pattern P4 represents the synchronous case and the pattern P5 is the asynchronous one. In P3–P5 subnets, the interface transition \(t_{A}\) refers to the transition in P2 with the same name. Pattern P6 maps the final node to a transition without output places. This is a sink transition that represents the end of the stream processing and could potentially act as interface with subsequent systems (i.e., injecting tuples in another Storm application).
Patterns P8–P11 detail the transformation of the numTuples and grouping tagged-values of a given stream step. Therefore, these patterns refine patterns P3, P4 and P5. The numTuples indicates the number of input tuples that the receiving bolt requires for producing a message. Then, such a value is mapped to the weight of the arcs \(a_{2}\) (P8 subnet), \(a_{1}\) (P9–P10 subnets), and \(a_{i}\) (P11 subnet).
Additionally, the grouping defines how the stream should be partitioned among the next bolt’s threads. If the grouping is set to all, every thread of the receiving bolt will process a copy of the tuple, then the weight of the arc \(a_{1}\) in the GSPN subnet is equal to the parallelism of the bolt B (P8). Otherwise, only one thread of the receiving bolt will process the tuple, therefore, the weight will be set to the default value (i.e., 1). If the grouping policy is shuffle, the target execution thread of B is selected randomly among the idle ones (P9). In the case of global policy, the entire stream goes to the bolt’s thread with the lowest id (P10). The initial marking of place \(p_{BG}\), in the GSPN subnet, is set to a single token for restricting the access to just one thread. Finally, the field grouping policy divides the outgoing stream of A by value (P11) and all the messages having the same value are sent to the same threads of the receiving bolt. The transformation creates a GSPN subnet with n basic subnets, where n is the number of different stream values. This number is limited by the number of parallel threads (parallelism tagged-value) in B. When an incoming message arrives to the receiving bolt, it is redirected to one of the basic subnets according to the probabilities prob˙i assigned to the immediate transitions \(t_{B1_{i}}\).
1.2 A.2 Deployment Diagram Transformation
Pattern P7 (Table 11) illustrates the modifications introduced in the GSPN model by the profile extensions in the deployment diagram. The Storm tasks are first logically grouped into partitions in the activity diagram, later they are deployed as artifacts and mapped to physical execution nodes (GaExecHost stereotype) in the deployment diagram. In particular, P7 maps the GaExecHost to a new place \(p_{R}\) in the GSPN, with an initial marking that represents the number of computational cores of the node (resMult tagged-value). The addition of such place restricts the logical concurrency, that is the number of threads of the Storm tasks, to the number of available cores. The pattern corresponds to the acquire/release operations of the cores by the spouts and bolts.
1.3 A.3 Performance Model and Implementation
Figure 11 shows the final GSPN model for the Storm design in Figs. 3 and 4. It has been obtained by applying the patterns and combining the subnets through the interfaces. The image of the GSPN model has been simplified for readability purposes. For instance, the input (output) arcs of the transitions that acquire (release) tokens from (to) the resource places Core_1 and Core_2 are shown as broken arcs.
The UML Profile for Apache Storm can be downloaded from DICE Consortium (2016b). The transformation of the UML models to GSPN, as well as the evaluation of the performance metrics, have been automatized in the DICE Simulation tool (DICE Consortium 2017), they are publicly available. The transformation uses QVT-MOF 2.0 (OMG 2011b) to obtain a Petri Net Markup Language file (PNML) (ISO 2008), an ISO standard for XML-based interchange format for Petri nets. Later on, a model-to-text (M2T) transformation from PNML into a GSPN tool specific format, concretely for the GreatSPN tool (Dipartimento di informatica 2015), has been performed. Other tools, such as TimeNet (Zimmermann 2017), also could be used, although not integrated in the framework yet.
Appendix B: Computation of Reliability Metrics
The DICE Simulation tool (DICE Consortium 2017), used in this work, also computes reliability metrics. In particular, the availability and mean time to failure for UML Apache Storm designs stereotyped using the Apache Storm profile presented in Section 3.
Many of the technologies covered for data-intensive applications (DIAs), such as Apache Storm, are designed as fault-tolerant, which means that their failures are internally handled and are not visible to users. Therefore, the metrics are calculated from the properties of the resources used by the technologies, rather than from the activities executed by the applications. The following paragraphs detail how each metric is computed.
1.1 B.1 Computation of the Mean Time to Failure
Apache Storm applications are fault-tolerant and the progress of the computation of elements in the input streams is managed and stored by a differentiated software, Zookeeper (Apache 2017b). Therefore, for the failure of a Storm application, the important concept to consider is the failure of the cluster of Zookeeper nodes, rather than the failure of spouts and bolts. In this case resources that execute Zookeeper service have to be stereotyped with <<StormZookeeper>> to point out their functionality and with <<DaComponent>>, inherited from the DAM profile, to specify their multiplicity with the “resMult” attribute and the estimated MTTF of the resource with the “failure” attribute.
To compute the MTTF, the DICE Simulation tool traverses all Nodes and Devices represented in the Deployment Diagram of the application looking for the element stereotyped as <<StormZookeeper>>. When it finds this element, it gets from it the information in its <<DaComponent>> stereotype regarding the number of resources used for the Zookeeper cluster and the estimated MTTF of each of them. Finally, the computation of the global MTTF considers that the Storm DIA takes place when all the resources dedicated to execute Zookeeper cluster have failed.
1.2 B.2 Computation of the availability
The availability of a system is defined as the readiness for correct service (Avizienis et al. 2004). We compute the percentage of time that a system is available, i.e., the percentage of time that the system is ready for executing a correct service for its users (steady state availability). It is defined as the mean time that the system is working correctly between two consecutive failures (i.e., MTTF) with respect to the Mean Time Between two consecutive Failures (called MTBF). In turn, MTBF is defined as the mean time of correct service until a failure plus the Mean Time to Repair (MTTR). Therefore, the steady state availability is calculated using the formula:
where the value for MTTR is taken from attribute “repair” of the <<DaComponent>> stereotype.
Appendix C: Petri Nets
A GSPN (Marsan et al. 1994, Generalized Stochastic Petri Net,) is a Petri net with a stochastic time interpretation. Therefore a GSPN is a modeling formalism suitable for performance analysis purposes. A GSPN model is a bipartite graph, consisting of two types of vertices: places and transitions.
Places are graphically depicted as circles and may contain tokens. A token distribution in the places of a GSPN, namely a marking, represents a state of the modeled system. The dynamic of the system is governed by the transition enabling and firing rules, where places represent pre- and post-conditions for transitions. In particular, the firing of a transition removes (adds) as many tokens from its input (output) places as the weights of the corresponding input (output) arcs. Transitions can be immediate, those that fire in zero time; or timed, those that fire after a delay which is sampled from a (negative) exponentially distributed random variable. Immediate transitions are graphically depicted as black thin bars while timed ones are depicted as white thick bars.
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Requeno, J.I., Merseguer, J., Bernardi, S. et al. Quantitative Analysis of Apache Storm Applications: The NewsAsset Case Study. Inf Syst Front 21, 67–85 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10796-018-9851-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10796-018-9851-x