Similarity Reasoning in the presence of vague information is becoming fundamental in several research areas and, in particular, in the Semantic Web. Fuzzy Formal Concept Analysis (FFCA) is a generalization of Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) for modeling uncertainty information. Although FFCA has become very interesting for supporting different activities for the development of the Semantic Web, in the literature it is usually addressed at a technical level and intended for a restricted audience. This paper proposes a similarity measure for FFCA concepts. The key notions underlying the proposed approach are presented informally, in order to reach a broad audience of readers.
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Formica, A. Similarity reasoning for the semantic web based on fuzzy concept lattices: An informal approach. Inf Syst Front 15, 511–520 (2013). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10796-011-9340-y
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10796-011-9340-y