We propose a pitch synchronous approach to design the voice conversion system taking into account the correlation between the excitation signal and vocal tract system characteristics of speech production mechanism. The glottal closure instants (GCIs) also known as epochs are used as anchor points for analysis and synthesis of the speech signal. The Gaussian mixture model (GMM) is considered to be the state-of-art method for vocal tract modification in a voice conversion framework. However, the GMM based models generate overly-smooth utterances and need to be tuned according to the amount of available training data. In this paper, we propose the support vector machine multi-regressor (M-SVR) based model that requires less tuning parameters to capture a mapping function between the vocal tract characteristics of the source and the target speaker. The prosodic features are modified using epoch based method and compared with the baseline pitch synchronous overlap and add (PSOLA) based method for pitch and time scale modification. The linear prediction residual (LP residual) signal corresponding to each frame of the converted vocal tract transfer function is selected from the target residual codebook using a modified cost function. The cost function is calculated based on mapped vocal tract transfer function and its dynamics along with minimum residual phase, pitch period and energy differences with the codebook entries. The LP residual signal corresponding to the target speaker is generated by concatenating the selected frame and its previous frame so as to retain the maximum information around the GCIs. The proposed system is also tested using GMM based model for vocal tract modification. The average mean opinion score (MOS) and ABX test results are 3.95 and 85 for GMM based system and 3.98 and 86 for the M-SVR based system respectively. The subjective and objective evaluation results suggest that the proposed M-SVR based model for vocal tract modification combined with modified residual selection and epoch based model for prosody modification can provide a good quality synthesized target output. The results also suggest that the proposed integrated system performs slightly better than the GMM based baseline system designed using either epoch based or PSOLA based model for prosody modification.

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Hussain Laskar, R., Banerjee, K., Talukdar, F.A. et al. A pitch synchronous approach to design voice conversion system using source-filter correlation. Int J Speech Technol 15, 419–431 (2012). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10772-012-9164-2
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10772-012-9164-2