This paper shows how multiobjective evolutionary algorithms can be used to procedurally generate complete and playable maps for real-time strategy (RTS) games. We devise heuristic objective functions that measure properties of maps that impact important aspects of gameplay experience. To show the generality of our approach, we design two different evolvable map representations, one for an imaginary generic strategy game based on heightmaps, and one for the classic RTS game StarCraft. The effect of combining tuples or triples of the objective functions are investigated in systematic experiments, in particular which of the objectives are partially conflicting. A selection of generated maps are visually evaluated by a population of skilled StarCraft players, confirming that most of our objectives correspond to perceived gameplay qualities. Our method could be used to completely automate in-game controlled map generation, enabling player-adaptive games, or as a design support tool for human designers.

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This research was supported in part by the Danish Research Agency project AGameComIn (number 274-09-0083) and in part by the EU FP7 ICT project SIREN (number 258453). As stated in the introduction, this paper is based on two previously published papers [1, 2]; the differences and additions with regard to those papers are detailed in the introduction.
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Togelius, J., Preuss, M., Beume, N. et al. Controllable procedural map generation via multiobjective evolution. Genet Program Evolvable Mach 14, 245–277 (2013). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10710-012-9174-5
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10710-012-9174-5