We propose a formalism for specifying event stream abstractions for use in spacecraft telemetry processing. Our work is motivated by the need to quickly process streams with millions of events generated e.g. by the Curiosity rover on Mars. The approach builds a hierarchy of event abstractions for telemetry visualization and querying to aid human comprehension. Such abstractions can also be used as input to other runtime verification tools. Our notation is inspired by Allen’s Temporal Logic, and provides a rule-based declarative way to express event abstractions. We present an algorithm for applying specifications to an event stream and explore modifications to improve the algorithm’s asymptotic complexity. The system is implemented in both Scala and C, with the specification language implemented as internal as well as external DSLs. We illustrate the solution with several examples, a performance evaluation, and a real telemetry analysis scenario.
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Visualization of information is e.g. at JPL considered an important approach to aid humans in daily spacecraft operations.
\(\mathcal{V}\) can be any set of values that are part of monitored events.
The trace is artificially constructed to have no resemblance to real artifacts.
A limited form of disjunction is also allowed but not described here.
Time stamps have no specified units and their interpretation depends on the specification.
The GUI was designed and implemented by Nathaniel Guy (JPL).
Note that the eDSL uses to denote the start time of an interval, in contrast to the notation in Sect. 4 where it was referred to as start (time).
The eDSL supports unary rules but we will avoid describing them here as they represent a special case.
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The research performed by K. Havelund and R. Joshi and part of the research performed by S. Kauffman was carried out at Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under a contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. The research performed by K. Havelund was furthermore supported by AFOSR Grant FA9550-14-1-0261.
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Kauffman, S., Havelund, K., Joshi, R. et al. Inferring event stream abstractions. Form Methods Syst Des 53, 54–82 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10703-018-0317-z
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10703-018-0317-z