The interest in lean product development in general and the Kanban approach in particular has increased over the years. However, practitioners, in the software development field, have significant challenges in implementing the Kanban approach as it lacks a clear definition of its principles, practices, techniques and tools. This study aims to provide insight into the Kanban approach and its elements (concepts, principles, practices, techniques, and tools) that have been empirically reported by scholars and practitioners. This insight is produced by using the systematic review method to analyze the available literature. A total of 37 primary studies were selected from more than 3,000 unique studies. Our findings show that the primary studies have considered and reported 20 different elements as part of the Kanban approach based upon considerations of being an agile approach or a lean principle; these elements have realized great benefits and improvements to the software development teams. These benefits along with the challenges have been reported in this study. Due to the variety of organization types, contexts, and project sizes reported in the primary studies, it is expected that the results in this study would help in establishing knowledge on what are the different elements of the Kanban approach as well as offering a first step towards developing guidelines for practitioners to help in introducing the Kanban approach to software development organizations.

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Appendix 1: List of Included Studies
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Appendix 2: Quality Instrument

Appendix 3: List of Excluded Studies
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Appendix 4: Coding scheme
Category | Description | Coding Rule |
Kanban method | It refers to the method of incremental and evolutionary process change for organizations and institutions. | Any description of the steps that has been undertaken to implement the Kanban approach into an organization. |
Kanban Board | This refers to visual tools in project management application that have a basis on Kanban for the visualization and optimization of the workflow. It also enables real time teamwork and team collaboration | Any tool or means used to visualize the processes, tasks, or the workflow of the software product development. |
Pull System | This refers to trigger the process of working on producing only what the customer needs by the quantity that is needed and only when it is needed | The approach of starting the development process based upon a request from the customer. |
Work Item | It refers to a task that needs to be visualized and added to the Kanban board. | Any feature, user stories, MMF or any other item that needs to be visualized and has to go through different phases through the development process. |
Priority Queue | It refers to the list of ordered requirements or work items | Any term indicates the use of queuing, ordering, or prioritizing tool. i.e. backlog or to-do items. |
Inclusion Criteria | It refers to the rules that are used to make the decision of adding the work item to the visualization tool. Ideally, it should consider the value from a customer perspective. | Any norm, rule, or standard that is used to determine what work-item should be added to the board, i.e. through the use of MMF or Story point. |
Work In Progress (WIP) | It refers to the concurrent number of work items that is allowed in each development phase. | Any rule, technique, to determine the number of concurrent work items. |
Done Items | These are the items that have been completed on a particular phase and are ready to be released to the next stage. | The work items that have been through a specific development process and ready to be pulled by the next development process. |
Reverse Items | It refers to items that are being moved backwards on the Kanban board instead of moving forward. | Any work item that needs to go back to the previous development process, i.e. bug fixing. |
Validated Learning | This variable refers to the process of learning what works and what does not work for a specific organization. Its intent is to measure the a work item’s value from a business perspective | Validate learning is whereby an organization over time obtains a formula for obtaining, qualifying, and selling to customers in a particular target area. This can refer to the P-D-C-A cycle. |
Cycle Time | Cycle time is the actual time required to complete one cycle of an operation for one work item from start to finish while the work item flows seamlessly through the development process. | Cycle time is a calculated based upon the time spent on producing a work item from the beginning until delivery without delays. |
Lead Time | This is the time of completing one work item including delays between the initiation of a process and its execution, i.e. the time between making an order and the order being delivered. | Lead-time is calculated from the moment of requesting the work item until the moment that item is delivered to the customer. |
Measurement tool | This usually a diagraming tool illustrates the cycle taken by a work item as it goes through the system. | Any measurement diagram is used to represent the performance of the Kanban. |
Bottleneck | Bottlenecks are the constraints that are faced during the product development process. | Any work item that is slacking and slowing the process down. |
Slack / Buffer | This refers to designed quantity of time applied to task schedule to protect the success implementation of the required deliverable on time. | Any spare time put aside to help in delivering the work item on time. |
Kanban Principles | These principles offer a framework that is chosen in the software development process by using the Kanban approach. | These are the guiding concepts of the Kanban approach. |
Kanban techniques | This refers to production control system that is used to overcome the problems once occurred. | Any technique used to allow no surplus production and gives the workers the right to stop if they cannot keep up. |
Avatar | A visual representation of the work item details. | Any visual representation of the details related to a work item, this includes sticky notes, symbols or any other means. |
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Al-Baik, O., Miller, J. The kanban approach, between agility and leanness: a systematic review. Empir Software Eng 20, 1861–1897 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10664-014-9340-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10664-014-9340-x