Achieving high software quality is a primary concern for software development organizations. Researchers have developed many quality improvement methods that help developers detect faults early in the lifecycle. To address some of the limitations of fault-based quality improvement approaches, this paper describes an approach based on errors (i.e. the sources of the faults). This research extends Lanubile et al.’s, error abstraction process by providing a formal requirement error taxonomy to help developers identify both faults and errors. The taxonomy was derived from the software engineering and psychology literature. The error abstraction and classification process and the requirement error taxonomy are validated using a family of four empirical studies. The main conclusions derived from the four studies are: (1) the error abstraction and classification process is an effective approach for identifying faults; (2) the requirement error taxonomy is useful addition to the error abstraction process; and (3) deriving requirement errors from cognitive psychology research is useful.

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We thank the study participants. We also thank Dr. Thomas Philip for providing access to his courses. We acknowledge the Empirical Software Engineering groups at MSU and NDSU for providing useful feedback on the study designs and data analysis. We thank Dr. Gary Bradshaw for his expertise on cognitive psychology. We thank Dr. Edward Allen and Dr. Guilherme Travassos for reviewing early drafts of this paper. We also thank the reviewers for their helpful comments.
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Editor: Murray Wood
Appendix A
Appendix A
This appendix describes the different errors in each of the fourteen detailed error classes (described in Table 1). A complete description of the requirement error taxonomy (along with examples of errors and faults) has been published in a systematic literature review (Walia and Carver 2009). Tables 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 and 27 show each error class along with the specific errors that make up that error class.
In addition, the following are representative examples of the faults discovered in the studies that were attributed to different error types in the requirement error taxonomy:
Missing functionality for viewing reservations in the Starkville Theatre System project (Study 1). This fault was attributed to the Specific Application Knowledge error (Table 17).
Table 17 Specific application errors -
The wrong placement of a precondition in the use case. This fault was attributed to the Process Execution error (Table 18).
Table 18 Process execution errors -
Inconsistency in the interface description with other sections of the requirement document. This fault was attributed to the Communication error among team members (Table 14).
Main success scenario in a use case is vague. This fault was attributed to the Domain Knowledge error (Table 16).
Inconsistent information about indexing particular user functionality. This fault was attributed to the Human Cognition error (Table 19).
Table 19 Other human cognition errors Table 20 Inadequate method of achieving goals and objectives Table 21 Management errors Table 22 Requirement elicitation errors Table 23 Requirement analysis errors -
Extraneous functional requirement in Data Warehouse requirements document. This fault was attributed to the Traceability process error (Table 24).
Table 24 Requirement traceability errors -
Missing information regarding security requirements. This fault was attributed to the Requirement Elicitation process error (Table 22).
Functionality listed in wrong section. This fault was attributed to the Requirement Organization error (Table 25).
Table 25 Requirement organization errors Table 26 No use of standard for documenting errors Table 27 Specification errors
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Walia, G.S., Carver, J.C. Using error abstraction and classification to improve requirement quality: conclusions from a family of four empirical studies. Empir Software Eng 18, 625–658 (2013). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10664-012-9202-3
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10664-012-9202-3