P2P platform default risk seriously affects the returns of investors, which may cause systemic financial risks. The existing literature mostly focuses on borrower risk, ignoring the research on P2P platform default risk. This paper uses signal theory and data mining-related methods to study the default risk prediction of P2P platforms that integrate soft and hard information signals in different economic environments. First, using the cluster analysis method, the macroeconomic environment of P2P platforms is studied. Second, from the perspective of signal costs, signal theory is used to analyze the impacts of soft and hard information risk signals on platform default in different economic environments. Finally, by integrating the lasso and stacking methods, a LAS-STACK model is proposed to study the prediction of P2P platform default risk in the high-dimensional unbalanced data context. The conclusions of this paper show that the fusion of soft and hard information can better predict the default risk of P2P platforms, especially during periods with low economic levels. Additionally, the LAS-STACK model has a better prediction ability for the P2P platform default risk in the high-dimensional unbalanced data context. This study can improve the ability of regulators and P2P platforms to warn and manage default risks in a specific economic environment and protect investors' returns.

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- P2P:
Peer-to-peer lending
It is produced by fusion of lasso and stacking
- FA:
Hard information features
- FB:
Soft information features
- FC:
Macroeconomic features
- ICP:
A license to operate a website for an internet content provider
- SVM:
Support vector machine
- OS:
The oversampling method
- US:
The undersampling method
Synthetic minority oversampling technique
- CSL:
Cost-sensitive learning
- RF:
Random forest
- TP:
True positive
- TN:
True negative
- FP:
False positive
- FN:
False negative
- AA:
Average accuracy
- FPR:
False positive rate (also called Type I error)
- FNR:
False negative rate (also called Type II error)
- TPR:
True positive rate
- ROC:
Receiver operating characteristic curve
- AUC:
Area under ROC curve
- SSE:
Sum of squared errors within clusters
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Liang, K., Zhang, C. & Jiang, C. Analyzing default risk among P2P platforms based on the LAS-STACK method by considering multidimensional signals under specific economic contexts. Electron Commer Res 22, 77–111 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10660-021-09505-9
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10660-021-09505-9