To improve the consumer shopping experience and to remain competitive, an increasing number of retailers continue to increase their investment in technology services and actively seek help from technology service providers to transform and upgrade their retail business. Technology service providers deliver new technological solutions for retailers by providing professional retailing technology services (e.g., building omnichannel retailing modes). Considering this context, we seek to understand whether retailers expect to use technology services and service providers’ expectations of providing retailing services. In this paper, we build a two-tier supply chain with one upstream technology service provider and one downstream retailer (or two competitive retailers) to analyse the strategic choice of the retailer(s) and the service provider. We find that the retailer(s) can purchase a professional retailing technology from the technology service provider and that the service provider is willing to provide technology to two competing retailers, which can increase market demand and yield higher profits. Furthermore, we find the impact of the technological contribution level, retail competition intensity, the power structure, and the technology marketing effect on decision outcomes is significant. Therefore, retailers should consider the influence of these factors when service providers deliver a retailing technology service.
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Source: http://www.bizcent.com/.
Source: https://www.deepblueai.com/.
Notably, the technological contribution level indicates the level of the technological contributions made by the technology service provider to deliver the omnichannel service or chain store service in the supply chain. In our model, the technological contribution level is shown in formula (2).
Technology marketing effect measures marginal demand with respect to the technology output level by technology marketing, which indicates the influence of the retailer’s technology marketing on demand.
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First, the authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers and the editors for their constructive comments on an earlier version of the paper. Second, the research described in this paper was significantly supported by the Postdoctoral Research Foundation of China (No. 2019M652682), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (No. CCNU20QN016), and the Hubei Province Postdoctoral Science and Technology Activity Project (No. 2018Z37).
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Proof of Proposition 1
According to the equilibrium solutions of Lemmas 1 and 2, we use derivation rule to obtain the results of proposition 1. We omit the straightforward algebraic steps here.\(\square\)
Proof of Proposition 2
PBC mode
According to Lemma 2, we have
Further, we obtain \(\frac{{\partial p_{i}^{PBC} }}{\partial \eta } = \frac{{\partial p_{j ,j \ne i}^{PBC} }}{\partial \eta } = \frac{{2\alpha \gamma (\beta^{2} - \gamma )}}{{\left[ {2\gamma (2 + \eta ) - \beta^{2} (1 + \eta )} \right]^{2} }} = \frac{{2\alpha \gamma^{2} (G - 1)}}{{\left[ {2\gamma (2 + \eta ) - \beta^{2} (1 + \eta )} \right]^{2} }}\), and \(G = \frac{{\beta^{2} }}{\gamma }\). Thus, when \(0 < G < 1\), we have \(\frac{{\partial p_{i}^{PBC} }}{\partial \eta } = \frac{{\partial p_{j ,j \ne i}^{PBC} }}{\partial \eta } < 0\); when \(1 < G < \frac{2(2 + \eta )}{1 + \eta }\), we have \(\frac{{\partial p_{i}^{PBC} }}{\partial \eta } = \frac{{\partial p_{j ,j \ne i}^{PBC} }}{\partial \eta } > 0\).
PNC mode
Under the PNC mode, we have \(\frac{{\partial w^{PNC} }}{\partial \eta } = \frac{{2\alpha \gamma \beta^{2} }}{{\left[ {4\gamma - A\beta^{2} } \right]^{2} }}\frac{\partial A}{\partial \eta }\), and \(\frac{\partial A}{\partial \eta } = \frac{{32 + 144\eta + 232\eta^{2} + 160\eta^{3} + 44\eta^{4} }}{{\left[ {4(1 + \eta )(2 + 4\eta + \eta^{2} )} \right]^{2} }} > 0\), we let \(\frac{\partial A}{\partial \eta } = A_{1}\), obtain \(\frac{{\partial w^{PNC} }}{\partial \eta } = \frac{{2A_{1} \alpha \gamma \beta^{2} }}{{\left[ {4\gamma - A\beta^{2} } \right]^{2} }} > 0\), and \(\frac{{\partial \varPi_{S} (PNC )}}{\partial \eta } = \frac{{4A_{1} \alpha^{2} \gamma^{2} }}{{\left[ {4\gamma - A\beta^{2} } \right]^{2} }} > 0\), \(\frac{{\partial \theta^{PNC} }}{\partial \eta } = \frac{{4A_{1} \alpha \gamma \beta }}{{\left[ {4\gamma - A\beta^{2} } \right]^{2} }} > 0\), \(\frac{{\partial Q_{i}^{PNC} }}{\partial \eta } > 0\), \(\frac{{\partial Q_{j ,j \ne i}^{PNC} }}{\partial \eta } > 0\).
Further, we have \(\frac{{\partial p_{i}^{PNC} }}{\partial \eta } = \frac{{A_{2} \alpha \gamma^{2} \left( {G - \frac{{8 + 16\eta + 12\eta^{2} }}{{A_{2} }}} \right)}}{{\left[ {(2 + 4\eta + \eta^{2} )(4\gamma - A\beta^{2} )} \right]^{2} }}\), and \(A_{2} = (6 + 11\eta + 2\eta^{2} )(2 + 4\eta + \eta^{2} )A_{1} + (2 + 4\eta + 3\eta^{2} )A\). Thus, when \(0 < G < \frac{{8 + 16\eta + 12\eta^{2} }}{{A_{2} }}\), we obtain \(\frac{{\partial p_{i}^{PNC} }}{\partial \eta } < 0\); when \(\frac{{8 + 16\eta + 12\eta^{2} }}{{A_{2} }} < G < \frac{4}{A}\), we obtain \(\frac{{\partial p_{i}^{PNC} }}{\partial \eta } > 0\).
Similarly, we have
\(A_{3} = (12 + 34\eta + 25\eta^{2} + 4\eta^{3} )(4 + 12\eta + 10\eta^{2} + 2\eta^{3} )A_{1} + (8 + 40\eta + 64\eta^{2} + 40\eta^{3} + 10\eta^{4} )A\).
Thus, when \(0 < G < \frac{{32 + 160\eta + 256\eta^{2} + 160\eta^{3} + 40\eta^{4} }}{{A_{3} }}\), we obtain \(\frac{{\partial p_{j .j \ne i}^{PNC} }}{\partial \eta } < 0\); when \(\frac{{32 + 160\eta + 256\eta^{2} + 160\eta^{3} + 40\eta^{4} }}{{A_{3} }} < G < \frac{4}{A}\), we obtain \(\frac{{\partial p_{j .j \ne i}^{PNC} }}{\partial \eta } > 0\). In summary, when \(\hbox{max} G < G < \frac{2(2 + \eta )}{1 + \eta }\),we have \(\frac{{\partial p_{i}^{PBC} }}{\partial \eta } = \frac{{\partial p_{j ,j \ne i}^{PBC} }}{\partial \eta } > 0\), \(\frac{{\partial p_{i}^{PNC} }}{\partial \eta } > 0\), \(\frac{{\partial p_{j ,j \ne i}^{PNC} }}{\partial \eta } > 0\); when \(0 < G < \hbox{min} G_{1}\), we have \(\frac{{\partial p_{i}^{PBC} }}{\partial \eta } = \frac{{\partial p_{j ,j \ne i}^{PBC} }}{\partial \eta } < 0\), \(\frac{{\partial p_{i}^{PNC} }}{\partial \eta } < 0\), \(\frac{{\partial p_{j ,j \ne i}^{PNC} }}{\partial \eta } < 0\), \(\hbox{max} G_{1} = \hbox{max} \left\{ {1 ,\frac{{8 + 16\eta + 12\eta^{2} }}{{A_{2} }} ,\frac{{32 + 160\eta + 256\eta^{2} + 160\eta^{3} + 40\eta^{4} }}{{A_{3} }}} \right\}\), \(\hbox{min} G_{1} = \hbox{min} \left\{ {1 ,\frac{{8 + 16\eta + 12\eta^{2} }}{{A_{2} }} ,\frac{{32 + 160\eta + 256\eta^{2} + 160\eta^{3} + 40\eta^{4} }}{{A_{3} }}} \right\}\), \(A_{1} = \frac{{32 + 144\eta + 232\eta^{2} + 160\eta^{3} + 44\eta^{4} }}{{\left[ {4(1 + \eta )(2 + 4\eta + \eta^{2} )} \right]^{2} }}\), \(A_{2} = (6 + 11\eta + 2\eta^{2} )(2 + 4\eta + \eta^{2} )A_{1} + (2 + 4\eta + 3\eta^{2} )A\), \(A_{3} = (12 + 34\eta + 25\eta^{2} + 4\eta^{3} )(4 + 12\eta + 10\eta^{2} + 2\eta^{3} )A_{1} + (8 + 40\eta + 64\eta^{2} + 40\eta^{3} + 10\eta^{4} )A\). \(\square\)
Proof of Proposition 3
PBC mode
According to Lemma 2, we have \(\frac{{\partial \varPi_{S} (PBC )}}{\partial \eta } = \frac{{2\alpha^{2} \gamma^{2} }}{{\left[ {2\gamma (2 + \eta ) - \beta^{2} (1 + \eta )} \right]^{2} }} > 0\), \(\frac{{\partial \varPi_{{R_{i} }} (PBC)}}{\partial \eta } = \frac{{\partial \varPi_{{R_{j,j \ne i} }} (PBC)}}{\partial \eta } = \frac{{\alpha^{2} \gamma^{3} (1 + \eta )\left( {G - \frac{2\eta }{1 + \eta }} \right)}}{{\left[ {2\gamma (2 + \eta ) - \beta^{2} (1 + \eta )} \right]^{3} }}\). Thus, when \(0 < G < \frac{2\eta }{1 + \eta }\), we obtain \(\frac{{\partial \varPi_{{R_{i} }} (PBC)}}{\partial \eta } = \frac{{\partial \varPi_{{R_{j,j \ne i} }} (PBC)}}{\partial \eta } < 0\); when \(\frac{2\eta }{1 + \eta } < G < \frac{2(2 + \eta )}{1 + \eta }\), we obtain \(\frac{{\partial \varPi_{{R_{i} }} (PBC)}}{\partial \eta } = \frac{{\partial \varPi_{{R_{j,j \ne i} }} (PBC)}}{\partial \eta } > 0\).
PNC Mode
Under the PNC mode, we have \(\frac{\partial A}{\partial \eta } = \frac{{32 + 144\eta + 232\eta^{2} + 160\eta^{3} + 44\eta^{4} }}{{\left[ {4(1 + \eta )(2 + 4\eta + \eta^{2} )} \right]^{2} }} > 0\), \(\frac{\partial A}{\partial \eta } = A_{1}\), thus \(\frac{{\partial \varPi_{S} (PNC )}}{\partial \eta } = \frac{{4A_{1} \alpha^{2} \gamma^{2} }}{{\left[ {4\gamma - A\beta^{2} } \right]^{2} }} > 0\). Further, we have
Thus, when \(0 < G < \frac{{4A_{4} }}{{AA_{4} + A_{5} }}\), we obtain \(\frac{{\partial \varPi_{{R_{i} }} (PNC)}}{\partial \eta } < 0\); when \(\frac{{4A_{4} }}{{AA_{4} + A_{5} }} < G < \frac{4}{A}\), we obtain \(\frac{{\partial \varPi_{{R_{i} }} (PNC)}}{\partial \eta } > 0\).
Similarly, we have
Thus, when \(0 < G < \frac{{4(A_{7} + A_{8} - A_{6} )}}{{A(A_{7} + A_{8} - A_{6} ) + A_{9} }}\), we obtain \(\frac{{\partial \varPi_{{R_{j,j \ne i} }} (PNC)}}{\partial \eta } < 0\); when \(\frac{{4(A_{7} + A_{8} - A_{6} )}}{{A(A_{7} + A_{8} - A_{6} ) + A_{9} }} < G < \frac{4}{A}\), we obtain \(\frac{{\partial \varPi_{{R_{j,j \ne i} }} (PNC)}}{\partial \eta } > 0\). In summary, when \(0 < G < \hbox{min} G_{2}\), we have \(\frac{{\partial \varPi_{{R_{i} }}^{{}} (PBC)}}{\partial \eta } = \frac{{\partial \varPi_{{R_{j,j \ne i} }}^{{}} (PBC)}}{\partial \eta } < 0\), \(\frac{{\partial \varPi_{{R_{i} }}^{{}} (PNC)}}{\partial \eta } < 0\), \(\frac{{\partial \varPi_{{R_{j,j \ne i} }}^{{}} (PNC)}}{\partial \eta } < 0\); when \(\hbox{max} G_{2} < G < \frac{2(2 + \eta )}{1 + \eta }\), we have \(\frac{{\partial \varPi_{{R_{i} }}^{{}} (PBC)}}{\partial \eta } = \frac{{\partial \varPi_{{R_{j,j \ne i} }}^{{}} (PBC)}}{\partial \eta } > 0\), \(\frac{{\partial \varPi_{{R_{i} }}^{{}} (PNC)}}{\partial \eta } > 0\), \(\frac{{\partial \varPi_{{R_{j,j \ne i} }}^{{}} (PNC)}}{\partial \eta } > 0\), \(\hbox{min} G_{2} = \hbox{min} \left\{ {\frac{2\eta }{1 + \eta },\frac{{4A_{4} }}{{AA_{4} + A_{5} }},\frac{{4(A_{7} + A_{8} - A_{6} )}}{{A(A_{7} + A_{8} - A_{6} ) + A_{9} }}} \right\}\), \(\hbox{max} G_{2} = \hbox{max} \left\{ {\frac{2\eta }{1 + \eta },\frac{{4A_{4} }}{{AA_{4} + A_{5} }},\frac{{4(A_{7} + A_{8} - A_{6} )}}{{A(A_{7} + A_{8} - A_{6} ) + A_{9} }}} \right\}\).\(\square\)
Proof of Proposition 4
Comparison of \(w^{C}\) and \(w^{M}\)
According to Lemmas 1 and 2, under the PBC mode, we have
Under the PNC mode, we have
Since \(A = \frac{{8 + 28\eta + 29\eta^{2} + 8\eta^{3} }}{{4(1 + \eta )\left( {2 + 4\eta + \eta^{2} } \right)^{{}} }}\), we have \(A - 1 > 0\), thus \(w^{PNC} - w^{M} > 0\). Further, we obtain
Since \(2(1 + \eta ) - A(2 + \eta ) > 0\), we have \(w^{PBC} - w^{PNC} > 0\), that is \(w^{PBC} > w^{PNC}\).
Comparison of \(\theta^{C}\) and \(\theta^{M}\)
Under the PBC mode, we have
Under the PNC mode, we have
Further, we obtain
Since \(4(1 + \eta ) - 2A(2 + \eta ) > 0\), we have \(\theta^{PBC} - \theta^{PNC} > 0\), that is \(\theta^{PBC} > \theta^{PNC}\).
Comparison of \(Q^{C}\) and \(Q^{M}\)
According to Lemmas 1 and 2, under the PBC mode, we have
By the same calculation, we obtain \(Q^{PNC}\) is greater than \(Q^{M}\) under the PNC mode.
Comparison of \(p_{i}^{C}\) and \(P^{M}\), \(p_{j ,j \ne i}^{C}\) and \(P^{M}\)
Under the PBC mode, we have
Thus, when \(0 < G < 1\), we obtain \(p_{i}^{PBC} = p_{j ,j \ne i}^{PBC} < P^{M}\); when \(1 < G < \frac{2(2 + \eta )}{1 + \eta }\), we obtain \(p_{i}^{PBC} = p_{j ,j \ne i}^{PBC} > P^{M}\).
Under the PNC mode, we have
\(A_{10} = (A - 1)(6 + 11\eta + 2\eta^{2} ) + A(\eta + \eta^{2} )\). Thus, when \(0 < G < \frac{{4(\eta + \eta^{2} )}}{{A_{10} }}\), we obtain \(p_{i}^{PNC} < P^{M}\); when \(\frac{{4(\eta + \eta^{2} )}}{{A_{10} }} < G < \frac{4}{A}\), we obtain \(p_{i}^{PNC} > P^{M}\).
\(A_{11} = (A - 1)(12 + 34\eta + 25\eta^{2} + 4\eta^{3} ) + A(2\eta + 5\eta^{2} + 2\eta^{3} )\). Thus, when \(0 < G < \frac{{4(2\eta + 5\eta^{2} + 2\eta^{3} )}}{{A_{11} }}\), we have \(p_{j ,j \ne i}^{PNC} < P^{M}\); when \(\frac{{4(2\eta + 5\eta^{2} + 2\eta^{3} )}}{{A_{11} }} < G < \frac{4}{A}\), we have \(p_{j ,j \ne i}^{PNC} > P^{M}\).
Comparison of \(p_{i}^{PBC}\) and \(p_{j ,j \ne i}^{PBC}\), \(p_{i}^{PNC}\) and \(p_{j ,j \ne i}^{PNC}\)
$$p_{i}^{PBC} - p_{i}^{PNC} = \frac{{A_{12} \alpha \gamma^{2} \left( {\frac{{\beta^{2} }}{\gamma } - \frac{{2\eta^{2} }}{{A_{6} }}} \right)}}{{\left[ {2\gamma ( 2+ \eta )- \beta^{2} ( 1+ \eta )} \right]\left( {2 + 4\eta + \eta^{2} } \right)^{{}} \left( {4\gamma - A\beta^{2} } \right)}}$$(34)
\(A_{12} = (6 + 17\eta + 13\eta^{2} + 2\eta^{3} ) - A(6 + 14\eta + 7\eta^{2} + \eta^{3} ) > 0\). Thus, when \(0 < G < \frac{{2\eta^{2} }}{{A_{12} }}\), we have \(p_{i}^{PBC} < p_{i}^{PNC}\); when \(\frac{{2\eta^{2} }}{{A_{12} }} < G < \frac{4}{A}\), we have \(p_{i}^{PBC} > p_{i}^{PNC}\).
\(A_{13} = (12 + 46\eta + 59\eta^{2} + 29\eta^{3} + 4\eta^{4} ) - A(12 + 40\eta + 42\eta^{2} + 16\eta^{3} + 2\eta^{4} ) > 0\). Thus, when \(0 < G < \frac{{2\eta^{3} }}{{A_{13} }}\), we have \(p_{j ,j \ne i}^{PBC} < p_{j ,j \ne i}^{PNC}\); when \(\frac{{2\eta^{3} }}{{A_{13} }} < G < \frac{4}{A}\), we have \(p_{j ,j \ne i}^{PBC} > p_{j ,j \ne i}^{PNC}\).
In summary, when \(0 < G < \hbox{min} G_{3}\), we obtain \(p_{i}^{PBC} = p_{j ,j \ne i}^{PBC} < p_{j ,j \ne i}^{PNC} < p_{i}^{PNC} < p_{{}}^{M}\); when \(\hbox{max} G_{3} < G < \frac{2(2 + \eta )}{1 + \eta }\), we obtain \(p_{{}}^{M} < p_{j ,j \ne i}^{PNC} < p_{i}^{PNC} < p_{i}^{PBC} = p_{j ,j \ne i}^{PBC}\).
Proof of Proposition 5
Comparison of \(\varPi_{S} (C)\) and \(\varPi_{S} (M)\)
Under the PBC mode, we have
Under the PNC mode, we have
Further, we obtain
Thus, \(\varPi_{S} (PBC) > \varPi_{S} (PNC)\).
Comparison of \(\varPi_{R} (M)\), \(\varPi_{{R_{i} }} (C)\) and \(\varPi_{{R_{j,j \ne i} }} (C)\)
Under the PBC mode, we have
Let \(F(G) = 4\eta^{2} + G^{2} (\eta + \eta^{2} ) - G(\eta + \eta^{2} ) = 0\), we obtain \(G_{{}}^{*} = 2 \pm \frac{2}{{\sqrt {1 + \eta } }}\), and \(2 + \frac{2}{{\sqrt {1 + \eta } }} > \frac{2(2 + \eta )}{1 + \eta }\).
Thus, when \(0 < G < 2 - \frac{2}{{\sqrt {1 + \eta } }}\), we have \(\varPi_{R} (M) > \varPi_{{R_{i} }} (PBC) = \varPi_{{R_{j,j \ne i} }} (PBC)\); when \(2 - \frac{2}{{\sqrt {1 + \eta } }} < G < \frac{2(2 + \eta )}{1 + \eta }\), we have \(\varPi_{R} (M) < \varPi_{{R_{i} }} (PBC) = \varPi_{{R_{j,j \ne i} }} (PBC)\).
Under the PNC mode, we have
Let \(F(G) = aG^{2} + bG + c = 0\), we obtain \(G_{{}}^{*} = \frac{{ - b \pm \sqrt {b^{2} - 4ac} }}{2a}\), and \(\frac{{ - b + \sqrt {b^{2} - 4ac} }}{2a} > \frac{4}{A}\); \(a = 2A^{2} (1 + \eta )(2 + 4\eta + \eta^{2} )^{2} - B(2 + 3\eta )\), \(b = - 8[2A(1 + \eta )(2 + 4\eta + \eta^{2} )^{2} - B(2 + 3\eta )]\), \(c = 16[2(1 + \eta )(2 + 4\eta + \eta^{2} )^{2} - B(2 + 3\eta )]\). Thus, when \(0 < G < \frac{{ - b - \sqrt {b^{2} - 4ac} }}{2a}\), we have \(\varPi_{R} (M) > \varPi_{{R_{i} }} (PNC)\); when \(\frac{{ - b - \sqrt {b^{2} - 4ac} }}{2a} < G < \frac{4}{A}\), we have \(\varPi_{R} (M) < \varPi_{{R_{i} }} (PNC)\). In the same way, when \(0 < G < \frac{{ - b_{1} - \sqrt {b_{1}^{2} - 4a_{1} c_{1} } }}{{2a_{1} }}\), we have \(\varPi_{R} (M) > \varPi_{{R_{j,j \ne i} }} (PNC)\); when \(\frac{{ - b_{1} - \sqrt {b_{1}^{2} - 4a_{1} c_{1} } }}{{2a_{1} }} < G < \frac{4}{A}\), we have \(\varPi_{R} (M) < \varPi_{{R_{j,j \ne i} }} (PNC)\). Wherein, \(a_{1}\), \(b_{1}\) and \(c_{1}\) can be obtained by \(\varPi_{R} (M) - \varPi_{{R_{j,j \ne i} }} (PNC) = 0\). Therefore, when \(0 < G < \frac{{ - b_{1} - \sqrt {b_{1}^{2} - 4a_{1} c_{1} } }}{{2a_{1} }}\), we have \(\varPi_{{R_{j,j \ne i} }} (PNC) < \varPi_{{R_{i} }} (PBC) = \varPi_{{R_{j,j \ne i} }} (PBC) < \varPi_{{R_{i} }} (PNC)\), when \(\frac{{ - b_{1} - \sqrt {b_{1}^{2} - 4a_{1} c_{1} } }}{{2a_{1} }} < G < \frac{4}{A}\), we have \(\varPi_{{R_{j,j \ne i} }} (PNC) < \varPi_{{R_{i} }} (PNC) < \varPi_{{R_{i} }} (PBC) = \varPi_{{R_{j,j \ne i} }} (PBC)\).
In summary, when \(0 < G < \hbox{min} G_{4}\), \(\varPi_{{R_{j,j \ne i} }} (PNC) < \varPi_{{R_{i} }} (PBC) = \varPi_{{R_{j,j \ne i} }} (PBC) < \varPi_{{R_{i} }} (PNC) < \varPi_{R} (M)\); when \(\hbox{max} G_{4} < G < \frac{2(2 + \eta )}{1 + \eta }\), we have \(\varPi_{R} (M) < \varPi_{{R_{j ,j \ne i} }} (PNC) < \varPi_{{R_{i} }} (PNC) < \varPi_{{R_{i} }} (PBC) = \varPi_{{R_{j ,j \ne i} }} (PBC)\).
Proof of Proposition 6
In the case of effective implementation of the EPBC mode, when \(\kappa_{i} > \kappa_{j,j \ne i}\), we have
When \(\kappa_{i} < \kappa_{j,j \ne i}\), we have
Finally, combined with the constraint of effective implementation of the EPBC mode, we obtain \(0 < \kappa_{i} + \kappa_{j ,j \ne i} < \sqrt {8\gamma (2 + \eta )/(1 + \eta )} - 2\beta\).
Let \(\kappa = \kappa_{i} + \kappa_{j ,j \ne i} = \sqrt {8\gamma (2 + \eta )/(1 + \eta )} - 2\beta\), we have \(\frac{d\kappa }{d\beta } = - 2 < 0\), That is, \(\kappa\) decreases with \(\beta\). Therefore, the total technology marketing effect (\(\kappa = \kappa_{i} + \kappa_{j ,j \ne i}\)) and the technology spillover effect \(\beta\) form a complementary relationship; when \(\kappa_{i}\) is constant, we can verify that the technology marketing effect \(\kappa_{j ,j \ne i}\) and the technology spillover effect \(\beta\) form a complementary relationship; when \(\kappa_{j ,j \ne i}\) is unchanged, we can also verify that the technology marketing effect \(\kappa_{i}\) and the technology spillover effect \(\beta\) form a complementary relationship. \(\square\)
Proof of Proposition 7
After comparing PBC mode and EPBC mode, we have
$$\varPi_{S} (EPBC) - \varPi_{S} (PBC) = w^{EPBC} (Q_{i}^{EPBC} + Q_{j ,j \ne i}^{EPBC} )- \gamma (\theta^{EPBC} )^{2} - \frac{{\alpha^{2} (1 + \eta )}}{2(2 + \eta ) - G(1 + \eta )} > 0$$(41)
Therefore, the optimal strategic mode of technology service provider is EPBC mode.
After comparing PBC mode and EPBC mode, we have
$$\varPi_{{R_{i} }} (EPBC) - \varPi_{{R_{i} }} (PBC) = (p_{i}^{EPBC} - w^{EPBC} )Q_{i}^{EPBC} - F - \frac{{\alpha^{2} (1 + \eta )}}{{\left[ {2(2 + \eta ) - G(1 + \eta )} \right]^{2} }}$$(42)
Let \(\varPi_{{R_{i} }} (EPBC) - \varPi_{{R_{i} }} (PBC) = 0\), we obtain
When \(\kappa_{i} > \kappa_{j,j \ne i}\), two thresholds of \(F\) are
Wherein, \(\kappa_{i}^{ *} + \kappa_{j,j \ne i}^{ *} = \arg \hbox{max} \{ 8\gamma (2 + \eta ) - (1 + \eta )(2\beta + \kappa_{i} + \kappa_{j ,j \ne i} )^{2} \}\), thus \(F_{1} < F_{2}\).
If \(F > F_{2}\), we have \(\varPi_{{R_{i} }} (EPBC) - \varPi_{{R_{i} }} (PBC) < 0\), \(\varPi_{{R_{j} }} (EPBC) - \varPi_{{R_{j} }} (PBC) < 0\), that is, the optimal strategic mode of retailer \(R_{i}\) and \(R_{j,j \ne i}\) is PBC; if \(F_{1} < F < F_{2}\), we have \(\varPi_{{R_{i} }} (EPBC)\left| {_{{\kappa_{i}^{ *} + \kappa_{j,j \ne i}^{ *} }} } \right. - \varPi_{{R_{i} }} (PBC) > 0\), \(\varPi_{{R_{j} }} (EPBC) - \varPi_{{R_{j} }} (PBC) < 0\), that is, the optimal strategic mode of retailer \(R_{i}\) is EPBC mode, while the optimal strategic mode of retailer \(R_{j,j \ne i}\) is PBC mode; if \(F < F_{1}\), we have \(\varPi_{{R_{i} }} (EPBC) - \varPi_{{R_{i} }} (PBC) > 0\), \(\varPi_{{R_{j} }} (EPBC) - \varPi_{{R_{j} }} (PBC) > 0\), that is, the optimal strategic mode of retailer \(R_{i}\) and \(R_{j,j \ne i}\) is EPBC mode. When \(\kappa_{i} < \kappa_{j,j \ne i}\), the same conclusion can be obtained according to the above analysis. Therefore, there exists two thresholds \(F^{*} > 0\) and \(F^{**} ( \ge F^{*} )\) such that: if \(F < F^{*}\), EPBC mode is the optimal strategic choice of two retailers; if \(F^{*} < F < F^{**}\), the strategic mode choice between retailer \(R_{i}\) and \(R_{j,j \ne i}\) aren’t consistent (that is, retailer \(R_{j,j \ne i}\) with smaller technology marketing effect will choose PBC mode, while retailer \(R_{i}\) with greater technology marketing effect will choose EPBC mode); if \(F > F^{**}\), PBC mode is the optimal strategic choice of two retailers.
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Hu, F., Zhou, Z. Monopoly or competition: strategic analysis of a retailing technology service provision. Electron Commer Res 22, 1651–1689 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10660-020-09426-z
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10660-020-09426-z