Mean shift is a popular and powerful clustering method for implementing density attractor clustering (DAC). However, DAC is underdeveloped in terms of modeling definitions and methods for incomplete data. Due to DAC’s importance, solving this common issue is crucial. This work makes DAC more versatile by making it applicable to incomplete data: First, using formal modeling definitions, we propose a unifying framework for DAC. Second, we propose new methods that implement the definitions and perform DAC for incomplete data more efficiently and stably than others. We discuss and compare our methods and the closest competitor using theoretical analyses. We quantify the performance of our methods using synthetic datasets with known structures and real-life business data for three missing value types. Finally, we analyze Stack Overflow’s 2021 survey to extract clusters of programmers from India and the USA. The experiments verify our methods’ superiority to six alternatives. Code, Data: https://bit.ly/genDAC

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Additionally to this acronym, warp kernels get their name in analogy to celestial bodies in astronomy: they describe how their objects’ (information) mass “warp” the target space (see Fig. 1) causing
to “gravitate” to the modes, which are mass accumulations.
An affine space projection
(a vector-valued function) of a point
onto the affine space
is the unique point
, such that
is an element of the complementary subspace of
. In other words, every vector of
can be decomposed uniquely as the sum of an element of
and an element of the complementary subspace. Here, the implementation is
These formula are verbatim from the original publication. Their symbols do not adhere to our notation; so, to avoid confusion, we use the typewriter font for their symbols and notation. Symbols denoting their mathematical objects might overlap with ours regarding letters, but are distinguishable from ours via font.
see footnote on page 25.
see footnote on page 27
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Appendix A: in-depth discussion of msMED and proof that Eqs. (7) to (13) are equal to the original formulation
1.1 A.1 Terminology
In Appendix A, we will use the term to denote a warp kernel that is used to construct a density and
to denote a warp kernel that is used during the mean shift search.
denote classic standard kernels when used in the construction of a density warp kernel and search warp kernel, respectively.
1.2 A.2 Derivation of the mean Euclidean distance of Eqs. (7)
We combine the Eqs.Footnote 3 (1) to (3), namely

from Abdallah and Shimshoni (2014) to Eq. (7)

\(\chi _i\) in Eq. (2) denotes the distribution of the i-th coordinate according to Abdallah and Shimshoni (2014). Their Eq. (2) deviates in notation from their Eq. (3); our Eq. (7) harmonizes this discrepancy. The reason for taking the square root of original distances (by raising the left-hand side of Eq. (7) by two) is discussed in Sect. A.3.
Additionally to , using Eq. (21), we define

1.3 A.3 Discussion of errors and issues in previous work
After inspecting the equations and wording across Abdallah and Shimshoni (2014) and in consideration of their code, we suspect there are two sets of typing errors and issues:
(i) On the one hand, Abdallah and Shimshoni (2014) define and
– not
– to be the respective right-hand sides in Eq. (7). In the case of
, their distance is the squared Euclidean distance, which does not fulfill the triangular inequality. Comaniciu and Meer (2002) (on which Abdallah and Shimshoni (2014) seem to build) use the squared Euclidean distance as well.
In practice, both publications start with original standard kernels that square the input and redefine them by removing the square. In the following, and
are such kernels. For example, the “Gaussian kernel” would be redefined as
. This results in the same algorithm, as if they had used the original standard kernel (e.g., a true Gaussian kernel
) and the Euclidean distance.
On the other hand, in their formulas (11) and (13), revisited in Eq. (A4) and (A8) in Sect. A.4, A.5.1 and A.5.2, Abdallah and Shimshoni (2014) use a non-squared version of the distances, which is the Euclidean distance if .
To correct this inconsistency one should either choose the squared or the non-squared distances. We believe it to be beneficial to keep the theoretical foundations simple; in this case, we believe it makes more sense to ensure that the defined distance is the Euclidean distance in the case of . In other words, we should be using the square root of the right-hand sides of the Eqs. (1), (2), (3). This is what we remedy by the reformulations. So, in Sect. 1,
applies. On the other hand, for Eqs. (A4) and (A8) in Sects. A.4, A.5.1 and A.5.2,
applies; or would apply if it were not for a second issue in the case of Eq. (A4):
(ii) In the formulas between (12) and (13) of Abdallah and Shimshoni (2014) the bandwidth is missing. There are two possible ways to rectify this. One way is to change their equation (Abdallah and Shimshoni 2014, section 3) to
. However, to stay consistent with the rest of their work and Comaniciu and Meer (2002), this does not seem to be the right approach. Instead, we reintroduce
by defining
for their Eq. (13), revisited as Eq. (A4) in Sect. A.4, and use
1.4 A.4 Proof of Eqs. (8) and (12)
In their equationFootnote 4 (13), Abdallah and Shimshoni (2014) define the mean shift vector for the \( \texttt{ l } \)-th coordinate at the position \( \texttt{ x } \) as

where there are objects for which the \( \texttt{ l } \)-th coordinate of object
is known,
for which the \( \texttt{ l } \)-th coordinate is missing, and
objects in total. The superscript refers to the respective coordinate, e.g., \(\mu ^{1}\) refers to what we denote as
. To fit better with the rest of our notation, we replace the symbols accordingly and, using
, rewrite Eq. (A4) to


and constant cancelling out from the numerator and denominator, we get

The constant makes no practical difference yet, but is required for theoretical reasons, as seen in the following sections.
1.5 A.5 Proof of Eqs. (9) and (13)
1.5.1 A.5.1 Original formulation of the densities in Abdallah and Shimshoni (2014)
We first consider the density as defined by Abdallah and Shimshoni (2014) in their equationFootnote 5 (6), namely

for complete datasets and equation (11), namely

for incomplete datasets, where is one of the
object tuples with
entries. \( \texttt{ h } \) is the bandwidth, and
is a normalization for the
1.5.2 A.5.2 Reformulating the density and density warp kernel
As discussed in Sect. A.3, we decide that
Definition 5
(Profile kernel) We want the profile kernels to be formulated such that their input generalizes the Euclidean distance – a distance that equals the Euclidean distance if no values are missing. Formally, we will use a profile kernel

applies and, to fit better with the rest of our notation, we rewrite Eq. (A7) to

Similarly, we rewrite the density for incomplete data from Eq. (A8) with to

Considering the definition of the density in Definition 3, the density warp kernel of Abdallah and Shimshoni (2014) is

1.5.3 A.5.3 Reformulating the search warp kernel
To reformulate the search warp kernel in common terminology, we build on the definitions

from which follows

with which we reformulate Eq. (A5) to

Next, we discuss the constant . For that, we require a condition that links \(_{{\textsf {MED}}} {\textit{w}}_{\omega }\) and
. Keeping Eq. (5) in mind, we compare \(_{{\textsf {MED}}} {\textit{w}}_{\omega }\) and


We recognize that can be chosen arbitrarily, as long as (i)
is a constant (among other things,
must not depend on \({i} \)), (ii)
, and (iii) Eq. (A14) holds; in other words,
. This means, the relationship between \({}_{{\textsf {MED}}} {\textit{w}}_{\omega }\) and
depends on the choice of
– and vice versa. Following this, we first make a reasonable decision on the relationship first and determine
afterwards. Similarly to Eq. (A14), the derivative of the tube warp kernel for the density estimation (Eq. (18)), namely

is proportional to the tube warp kernel for mean shift search, namely \(\hat{{\textit{v}}}_{i}\) (the two tube warp kernel – for the density and mean shift search – are identical). Eq. (A14) and (19) motivate us to define the relationship as
Definition 6
(Relationship warp kernels) Similar to Eq. (5), namely

we define

which provides

and thus, using , an

under which our condition Definition 5 holds true.
1.6 A.6 Proof of Eqs. (10) and (11)
Eqs. (10) and (11) follow directly from Eqs. (A6), (7) and (A12): Instead of , we use the total mean Euclidean distance
. This results in
in Eq. (11), instead of
in Eq. (A12). Also, this results in Eq. (10), instead of Eq. (A6).
Appendix B: Proof: Eqs. (7) and (20) are equal
The binary operation of convolution \(*\) is defined as

where , and each of f and g can be a function or Schwartz distribution (also known as a generalized function). The
(a Schwartz distribution) is the neutral element of convolution, meaning
; in addition,

Abdallah and Shimshoni (2014) define (p. 4-6) the squared mean Euclidean distance as

where is the marginal PDF of the respective feature. In the following we show that it is possible to write the definition more compactly as

In addition, we define

We prove that Eq. (B17) is equal to the first line of Eq. (B16) if :

\(\square \)
Next, we prove that Eq. (B17) is equal to the third line of Eq. (B16) if . The four equations from Eq. (B23) to Eq. (B24) only assume
and provide, with Eq. (B20),

\(\square \)
The proof that Eq. (B17) is equal to the second line of Eq. (B16) if is analogous to the last proof. \(\square \)
Finally, we prove that Eq. (B17) is equal to the fourth line of Eq. (B16) if .

\(\square \)
Appendix C: Details of performance measures
Several methods for measuring clustering effectiveness exist. Because internal measures, such as the inertia or silhouette coefficient, are unsuitable for evaluating non-convex cluster families, we used 12 external measures on reference labels. Three large groups of external measures exist: (i) those that examine if object pairs are in the same group as in the reference, (ii) those that build on classical information theory, and (iii) those adopted from supervised learning. Of the first group, we employed the Rand index (RI), adjusted Rand index (ARI), and Fowlkes-Mallows index (FMI); of the second, normalized mutual information (NMI), and adjusted mutual information (AMI); of the third, accuracy. For NMI and AMI, we tested four (min, max, mean, geometric) aggregator functions.
Our final choice of measures is motivated by our own findings and by literature, e.g., by Romano et al. (2016): While the specific values can vary between those measures, they usually rank the methods in the same way per dataset, as substantiated in Fig. 5 and 8 . The advantage of ARI and AMI is that they correct for chance: They approach zero for random labeling for an increasing number of objects. In contrast, unadjusted measures approach one. FMI adjusts for chance, but is considerably less strict, which reduces its explanatory power considerably. AMI’s min and geometric aggregators are not reliable for particularly small or large and thus cannot be used for parameterization, so we use the classic max aggregator (mean aggregator is very similar in results).
Appendix D: Synthetic datasets with known label structure (Sect. 4.2): Additional measurements
In the paper, we presented experiments with the four labeled benchmark datasets aggregationB01, R15, moons, and flame. Fig. 8 displays additional results for those datasets: Here we display the adjusted Rand index and the adjusted mutual information for the cases where we consider (i) only incomplete objects, (ii) all objects, including the outliers. When we consider only incomplete objects, the difference is not too large to when we consider all non-outliers. This is because many objects are outliers as seen on the top x-axis. When we consider all objects, including outliers, the performance of our methods is mostly the same as before, however other methods are not too far off anymore. The reason is simply that those other methods are able to label the outliers as outliers, but are not able to recover the main clusters as such, as soon as missing values are introduced. Thus, their seemingly good results are due to their ability to detect outliers, not their ability to cluster correctly.
Effectiveness for synthetic data: We report the measures when considering all objects, only non-outliers, and only incomplete objects. The plots of the latter two are, in fact, more important, because otherwise one mostly measures outlier detection, not clustering capabilities. We see that including the outliers in the measurement can give an unrealistically positive impression of the competition, while our methods stay largely robust in every case. While other methods’ results degenerate quickly with increasing incompleteness or fail completely even for a few missing values, our methods retain excellent effectiveness, considering the particularly difficult setup
Appendix E: Real-life data (Sect. 4.3): Distribution of each measure for each incompleteness type
To perform a significance test, we want to determine the range, the , in which a measure will fall with 95% probability. Thus, we need to know the distribution of each measure (ARI, AMI, accuracy) for each incompleteness type (MCAR, MAR, MNAR):
Steinley et al. (2016) showed that a normal distribution approximates the ARI very closely, especially for the construction of confidence intervals. However, they studied the ARI for a constant number of (reference) clusters, a constant number of objects in each cluster, and under the assumption of a null model for randomness that is constructed from a generalized hypergeometric distribution (Hubert and Arabie 1985). This so-called , or
, generates clusters uniformly and randomly via permutations of labels, as described by Romano et al. (2014). They, and others, study the AMI under the same assumptions. Dietterich (1998) describes proportions of misclassifications to be normally distributed, which translates to accuracy.
While those results provide some evidence to use a normal distribution for our case, the assumptions/scenarios are not the same. Thus, to add experimental evidence, we created about 50 different datasets from the real-life data of Sect. 4.3 by randomly deleting 20% of the values for each incompleteness type. This produced nine measure samples (each with 50 measurements) – one for each combination of ARI, AMI, accuracy with each incompleteness type.
The Cullen and Frey graphs in Fig. 9 display the kurtosis and the square of skewness for each of the nine distributions of the measure samples as well as some theoretical distributions. Additionally, for each measure sample, we used bootstrapping to create 50 resampled samples, which are also displayed in the graphs in terms of their distributions’ kurtosis and square of skewness. The graphs show that the measure sample distributions have a kurtosis close to 3 and are not or very little skewed. Tab. 1 reports exact values. This suggests that the measure distributions can be modeled with normal distributions.
Next, we min-max normalized the measure samples into the range [0, 1] and fitted different theoretical distributions to the normalized samples. The QQ plots in Fig. 10 compare the quantiles of the normalized measure sample distributions with the quantiles of the theoretical distributions. The plots show that the normal and the logistic distributions model the measures well.
Finally, we performed hypothesis tests for different theoretical distributions: For each measure and incompleteness type, the Tab. 2 provides the p-values of the Anderson-Darling hypothesis test for different distributions. The Anderson-Darling hypothesis tests show that each measure for each incompleteness type is either modeled best by the normal or the logistic distribution. Tab. 2 shows such large p-values that we cannot reject the null hypothesis that the measure samples follow a normal or logistic distribution.
When plotting the 95% confidence intervals based on those distributions, they are indistinguishable for variances between 0 and 1. This is the case here, because the AMI, ARI, and accuracy can only take values between 0 and 1.
Real-life data (Sect. 4.3): Cullen and Frey graph for each measure sample
Real-life data (Sect. 4.3): QQ plot for each measure sample
Real-life data (Sect. 4.3) significance: not only are our methods statistical significantly more effective and stable than other methods but also keep a very low model variance
Appendix F: Real-life data (Sect. 4.3): Statistical significance and model variance
The experiments on the real-life data of Sect. 4.3 in the main document demonstrated that the competing methods are statistically significantly worse than our method. Now, we can additionally formulate (and later reject) the null hypothesis that our methods are not better than the competitors. For that, we determine the standard deviation of the respective measures of the competitors, not just for our methods. We calculate the range in which a measure of the respective method will fall with 95% probability. In Fig. 11, we plot the ranges. The lower bars in Fig. 11 denote the threshold for the 0.025 p-value. This is twice as strict as the p-value threshold of 0.05, yet we can reject the null hypothesis – most of the time by a large margin – and claim that our methods are significantly better than our method.
There is the conspicuous exception that we cannot reject the null hypothesis for BRMM. However, this is due to BRMM ’s high model variance: repeated application of the algorithm results in very different results. Thus, one should reject the conclusion that our method is not better, but take the additional evidence into account that other methods manage to keep the model variance low. In fact, our methods are particularly consistent in their results with excellent low model variance, as demonstrated by the error bars in Fig. 11.
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Leibrandt, R., Günnemann, S. Generalized density attractor clustering for incomplete data. Data Min Knowl Disc 37, 970–1009 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10618-022-00904-6
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10618-022-00904-6