Recent technological advancements have spurred the usage of machine learning based applications in sports science and healthcare. Using wearable sensors and video cameras to analyze and improve the performance of athletes, has become widely popular. Physiotherapists, sports coaches and athletes actively look to incorporate the latest technologies in order to further improve performance and avoid injuries. While wearable sensors are very popular, their use is hindered by constraints on battery power and sensor calibration, especially for use cases which require multiple sensors to be placed on the body. Hence, there is renewed interest in video-based data capture and analysis for sports science. In this paper, we present the application of classifying strength and conditioning exercises using video. We focus on the popular Military Press exercise, where the execution is captured with a video-camera using a mobile device, such as a mobile phone, and the goal is to classify the execution into different types. Since video recordings need a lot of storage and computation, this use case requires data reduction, while preserving the classification accuracy and enabling fast prediction. To this end, we propose an approach named BodyMTS to turn video into time series by employing body pose tracking, followed by training and prediction using multivariate time series classifiers. We analyze the accuracy and robustness of BodyMTS and show that it is robust to different types of noise caused by either video quality or pose estimation factors. We compare BodyMTS to state-of-the-art deep learning methods which classify human activity directly from videos and show that BodyMTS achieves similar accuracy, but with reduced running time and model engineering effort. Finally, we discuss some of the practical aspects of employing BodyMTS in this application in terms of accuracy and robustness under reduced data quality and size. We show that BodyMTS achieves an average accuracy of 87%, which is significantly higher than the accuracy of human domain experts.




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1.1 Time series data pre-processing and classification
We consider the impact of time series length re-sampling and data normalization here. We use a single split of data consisting of only y coordinates of 8 body parts here for faster execution.
Re-sampling Each time series has been re-sampled to the same length since most time series classifiers cannot handle variable-length data.
Normalization The magnitude of the signal is important for this application, as shown in the experiment here.
Results and discussion Table 17 shows the impact of changing the re-sampling length on the BodyMTS accuracy. We see that there is almost no effect of length re-sampling on the classifier accuracy. Furthermore, reducing the length of the data also leads to reduced execution time of BodyMTS. We also experimented with the parameters of the ROCKET classifier such as number of kernels (10000) and normalization (False). While changing the number of kernels did not produce any impact on the accuracy, setting the normalization to FALSE lead to a big increase in the accuracy as shown in Table 18. We believe that this is due to the loss of magnitude information which is a key element in the classification for this type of problem. We further experimented by converting the color scale of videos to gray and observed no change in the accuracy of BodyMTS.
1.2 Quantifying video quality noise using video quality metrics
We further quantify the impact of noise on the classifier accuracy by using video quality metrics. We use three scores: VMAF (Aaron et al. 2015), PSNR, and SSIM. FFmpeg has been utilized to calculate these metrics for different CRF values. We report the average metric score over all the clips for each value of CRF. Table 19 shows the average score over all the clips and the accuracy obtained using a particular value of CRF.
Results and discussion We observe that the VMAF score is more useful than other scores for estimating the quality of videos. Higher VMAF, indicates a better quality of videos. There is a big drop in the average VMAF score by changing the CRF values. Based on these results the threshold of VMAF can be set at around 90 which can be used to exclude those videos whose VMAF score is less than 90.
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Singh, A., Bevilacqua, A., Nguyen, T.L. et al. Fast and robust video-based exercise classification via body pose tracking and scalable multivariate time series classifiers. Data Min Knowl Disc 37, 873–912 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10618-022-00895-4
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10618-022-00895-4