Modern healthcare services are serving patients needs by using new technologies such as wearable devices or cloud of things. The new technology provides more facilities and enhancements to the existing healthcare services as it allows more flexibility in terms of monitoring patients records and remotely connecting with the patients via cloud of things. However, there are many security issues such as privacy and security of healthcare data which need to be considered once we introduce wearable devices to the healthcare service. Although some of the security issues were addressed by some researchers in the literature, they mainly addressed cloud of things security or healthcare security separately and their work still suffers from limited security protection and vulnerabilities to some security attacks. The proposed new healthcare system combines security of both healthcare and cloud of things technologies. It also addresses most of the security challenges that might face the healthcare services such as the man in the middle (MITM), eavesdropping, replay, repudiation, and modification attacks. Scyther verification tool was also used to verify the robustness and correctness of the proposed system.
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Appendix A
Appendix A
usertype TimeStamp,Data,Request,Key,nonce,challenge,identity;
secret kDS,kSA,kDi;
protocol MEM(DPC ,DAS,SP)
role DPC
var Ri:challenge ;
fresh RD:challenge ;
fresh i:identity ;
var kDS:Key;
var D:identity ;
var KDi:Key;
var kSA:Key;
var kDS:Key;
fresh kDA:Key;
var kDS:Key;
recv_1(SP,DPC , {Ri,SP,DPC}kDS );
send_2(DPC ,DAS,{Ri,RD ,i,DAS,DPC}kDA );
recv_3(DAS ,DPC,{RD,kDS,i,DPC,DAS}kDA ,{Ri,KDi,D,DAS,DPC}kSA);
send_4(DPC, SP,{RD,Ri,i,SP,DPC,DAS}kDS ,{Ri,kDS,D,DAS,DAS}kSA);
recv_5 (SP,DPC, {RD,Ri,i,SP,DPC}kDS );
role DAS
var Ri:challenge ;
var RD:challenge ;
var i:identity ;
fresh D:identity ;
fresh KDi:Key;
var kDA:Key;
fresh kSA:Key;
fresh kDS:Key;
recv_2(DPC ,DAS,{Ri,RD ,i,DAS,DPC}kDA);
send_3(DAS ,DPC,{RD,kDS,i,DPC,DAS}kDA ,{Ri,KDi,D,DAS,DPC}kSA);
role SP
fresh Ri:challenge ;
fresh RD:challenge ;
var D:identity ;
var i:identity ;
fresh kDS:Key;
var kSA:Key;
send_1(SP,DPC , {Ri,SP,DPC}kDS );
recv_4(DPC, SP,{RD,Ri,i,SP,DPC,DAS}kDS ,{Ri,kDS,D,DAS,DAS}kSA);
send_5 (SP,DPC, {RD,Ri,i,SP,DPC}kDS );
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Alkeem, E.A., Shehada, D., Yeun, C.Y. et al. New secure healthcare system using cloud of things. Cluster Comput 20, 2211–2229 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10586-017-0872-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10586-017-0872-x