Diglossia is one of the main characteristics of Arabic language. In Arab countries, there are three forms of Arabic that co-exist: Classical Arabic (CA) which is mainly used in the Quran and in several classical literary texts, Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) that descends from CA and used as official language, and various regional colloquial varieties of Arabic that are usually referred to as Arabic dialects (AD). Deemed to be amongst low-resource languages, these dialects have aroused increased interest among the NLP community in recent years. Indeed, the various Arabic dialects are increasingly used on the social web and may be transcribed in both the Arabic and the Latin script. The latter is known as Arabizi and seems to be more frequently used for some of them. The AD NLP raises many challenges and requires the availability of large and appropriate language resources. In this study, we focus, in particular, on the Maghrebi Arabic dialects (MADs). We propose a thorough review of the language resources (LRs) that have been generated by the various work carried out on the MAD language processing. A survey of the currently online available MAD NLP dedicated-LRs is also compiled and discussed. LRs investigated in this work are essentially data-resources such as primary and annotated corpora, lexica, dictionaries, ontologies, etc.

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LORELEI (Low Resource Language for Emergent Incidents) is a project funded by US government. Its goal is to develop HLT for low-resource languages, in support of missions related to emergent incidents.
According to https://data.worldbank.org, consulted in May 2019.
Given the vowel systems and the influence of the Semitic substratum in the East and Berber in the West, the various sets of dialects are grouped into two main classes also based on a geographical distinction (Embarki 2008): (1) Oriental Arabic dialects named Mashriqi Arabic, which can be sub-classified into Arabian Peninsula, Mesopotamian, Egyptian and Levantine dialects; (2) Western Arabic dialects named Maghrebi Arabic, which can be sub-classified into Mauritanian, Moroccan, Algerian, Tunisian and Libyan dialects.
This survey examines works that have been published until May 2019.
According to http://countrymeters.info consulted in May 2019.
Berber represents the languages originally spoken by the native populations of the Maghreb prior to their adoption of Arabic.
In Dictionary of meanings “معجم المعاني عربي عربي”: http://www.almaany.com.
The project website: http://resources.camel-lab.com/.
Queries realized on February 14, 2018.
Return resources in all associated individual languages in addition to any resource in the base macrolanguage.
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Younes, J., Souissi, E., Achour, H. et al. Language resources for Maghrebi Arabic dialects’ NLP: a survey. Lang Resources & Evaluation 54, 1079–1142 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10579-020-09490-9
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10579-020-09490-9